Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 659: Chu Zhiwen is He Wenyuan?

Lan Xi paused and said in a low voice, "That should be it. I and He Wenyuan have a private life, originally saying that we will get married after he finishes the task. I didn't expect that I would get drunk and be with He Boyuan one night. People were stuck in the room... and He Wenyuan failed to return from the mission, so I agreed to my marriage to He Boyuan."

She herself did not expect that He Yiming turned out to be He Wenyuan's son.

The main reason was that everything happened very quickly during that time, and everything was unexpected, which made her tired to deal with, and she didn't even know how Wenyuan the child she was pregnant with.

He Yiming looked at his mother and said, "He Wenyuan, it was the previous mission that failed and everyone sacrificed. Is he the only one who survived but disappeared?"

Lan Xi shook his head: "I don't believe that he is that kind of person. He doesn't do that kind of thing. Although he hasn't been there for so many years, I believe that he must have difficulties."

Elder Lan said: "Anyway, this is how the outside world thinks about him. Lan Xi, don't be too sad. In any case, it shouldn't be a vulnerable time now."

He Ning glanced at Shen Jingyu, and remembered the matter of Master Chu knowing Wen.

Shen Jingyu nodded slightly to her, motioning for her to speak.

He Ning said slowly: "Grandpa, Mom, I knew someone before, Chu knows Master Wen Chu. He said that the eldest brother and He Peishan are his biological daughters."

"What? When did it happen?" Lan Xi asked immediately.

Everyone has heard of the name Chu Ye. As an arms dealer that has flourished in recent years, he is well-known.

However, because his business is basically done in the third world countries, not in the Dragon Empire, so few people have seen his true face.

He Ning said exactly what he had learned before.

"In the recording at the time, he made it very clear. He said that his eldest brother and He Peishan were his biological daughters. The reason why he saved me was because he wanted to treat He Peishan. He probably didn't know that He Peishan was not him. Blood, and I am." He Ning said softly.

"Speaking of which..." Old man Lan frowned slightly, "This Chu Zhiwen is He Wenyuan. It's just that he has been incognito for so many years, and he didn't expect to do this kind of business."

Lan Xi didn't expect that her figure swayed. If He Yiming hadn't supported her, she would almost faint.

He Ning said hurriedly: "Then I will accompany my mother to rest first, and I won't talk about these things."

When Shen Jingyu and He Yiming were going to help, Lan Xi waved his hands and said, "He Ning accompany me."

He Ning accompanied her back to her room.

This is her boudoir. Although she has been married for so many years, it has been kept, and it has been cleaned up. It can be seen that the old man Lan loves her.

"Mom, you just got hurt, and you have gone through so many things, don't think about it. Take a good rest." He Ning said softly.

Lan Xi hugged He Ning and couldn't help crying: "He Ning, Mom is really sorry for causing you so many things. If I had known He Birong's tricks earlier, you wouldn't have encountered these."

"If at that time Master Chu really gave you He Birong, use your body to perform operations on He Peishan..."

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