Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 670: If i don't hesitate

It's just that the time that was wrongly spent on He Peishan, and the life and career that he sacrificed for it, will never come back.

Master Chu's palm finally fell to her ears, and he cupped her face with both hands.

"I am sorry."

He didn't know what else to say.

Only these three words can express the debt to her.

The young man fell in love for a lifetime. He originally promised to stay with each other for a lifetime, but after all he failed her and allowed her to live through these bleak years and half a life of being deceived.

"I'm sorry." Chu Ye's eyes were all guilt.

"It's none of your business. You are also a victim. I know that you will never be a rebel general. You will never fail your comrades and your army. At that time you were forced to leave, you have you As a last resort. So for so many years, I have never blamed you."

On the contrary, there is only concern.

There was light in Master Chu's elegant and deep eyes.

If anyone in this world understands him and someone trusts him wholeheartedly, then it can only be her.

She has known his ambitions, his ideals, and his arrogance and passion for defending the home and the country since she was a child.

"I really, never believed you would do that kind of thing." Lan Xi whispered.

"But I still let you down and did the business I am doing now..." Master Chu's voice was even lower, and the brilliance in his eyes slowly dimmed.

After all, he took a completely different path from what he had dreamed of before.

Although there are so many compelling things, it is his own choice to always embark on this path, and he can't explain it.

Lan Xi raised his head, his eyes cleared: "You are still alive, okay, that's great."

Her concern is also supported, and the things she thinks are no longer illusory.

"Since she is still alive, no matter what method or identity she uses, she will live well." She smiled relievedly. After crying out all her emotions, she was still the proud daughter and she was no longer immersed in self-pity. Emotions.

"Wen Yuan, sit down first." Lan Xi smiled and helped him sit down.

Seeing her emotional change, Master Chu was shocked and let go of her hand.

"Lan Xi, are all the things that happened to the He family true? He Ning is our child?" Upon hearing this news, Master Chu hurried back from abroad.

When I thought about sending He Ning to He Birong to perform surgery on He Peishan, his back and forehead were sweating all night.

"Yes." Lan Xi simply told him everything.

She sighed in a low voice and said, "I'm really sorry to He Ning. I raised a white-eyed wolf by my side, which ended up killing my daughter and son. That son was only born, so..."

No matter how strong it is, I couldn't help crying when I thought of this.

Master Chu held her hand, his mind is also very complicated and complex: "I'm sorry, I am also responsible for this matter. When Yiming was sick, Gu Hanlin secretly found me and said that Yiming was mine. Your own son."

"He also asked me to get sperm, saying that he planned to use IVF to raise another child to treat Yiming's disease."

"If at that time, I could come to you without hesitation, there would be no such things..."

"At that time, I was afraid of being exposed by more people and that you would be implicated, so I hesitated. If I don't hesitate, at least He Ning will not suffer along with it."

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