Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 679: This is what i really think

The things were all sent by Qin Zheng. Shen Jingyu was still afraid of any danger. He took it and checked it and it was okay. He couldn't guess what was inside.

Could it be that Qin Zheng wanted to make himself happy with He Ning and prepare a gift for himself?

"He Ning, you can take it apart." Shen Jingyu also wanted to know what Qin Zheng learned from the Internet to please girls.

Seeing that he was arguing with He Ning some time ago, Qin Zhengke often checked the countermeasures online.

He Ning thought for a while and unpacked it.

I was thinking about something mysterious and mysterious. As soon as I opened it, a large package appeared under her eyelids.

There are all kinds of things.

He Ning accidentally saw some super-large dots, super-thin, fruity flavors...

A scorching heat quickly climbed onto He Ning's face and body, and she could almost feel the hot taste.

Her face quickly turned red.

"What is this?" He Ning threw the thing away, her face suddenly sinking.

Shen Jingyu also saw this bunch of colorful flowers... Suddenly, her throat became dry and tight.

He and He Ning had never used anything like this before, each time it was a truly unreserved combination.

Thinking of her super soft taste, he even tightened his leg muscles.

He Ning’s face collapsed and said: "San Ye, I said you can stay, but I also said that we can’t have that kind of thing happen before! What do you think of me? If you think of me If it's a trick to keep you out, leave now!"

She didn't want to leave regrets for the future, so she felt softened.

He didn't expect that he would have bought so many sets of sets.

She threw things to the ground angrily. Who did he consider her?

Shen Jingyu reached out and hugged her, and He Ning wanted to throw it away, but his hands were tight.

"Qin Zheng bought things, but I also have to apologize. Because I have to admit that these are my true thoughts."

"You!" He Ning became even more angry when he confessed.

Shen Jingyu took her little hand, raised her chin, and kissed her with a violent storm.

He couldn't control the burning flame that was already fanatical.

He Ning beat him in the chest and pushed him away hard: "Shen Jingyu, you are too much...well..."

He admitted that he was too much and should not betray her trust.

But no man can resist the temptation and confusion of his most beloved woman.

No man would be willing to be Liu Xiahui in front of his most beloved woman.

He really wanted her, wanted to go crazy, wanted to the extreme.

"He Ning, He Ning." He kissed her lips, and whispered her name softly, as if he wanted to carve this name into his mind, into the blood.

"Don't refuse me, Ning." Shen Jingyu's voice was low, dull, and powerful.

But fragile and sensitive.

"Well, Shen Jingyu..." He Ning's hand was still subconsciously resisting.

But she knew that her heart could not resist him at all.

If she could completely separate her feelings for him, she would not hesitate to do so, nor would she let him stay, fearing that she would regret later.

Her hand still resisted, but it gradually softened.

His strong male masculine taste was in her breath, and each other's breaths entangled each other, inhaling all the other's taste.

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