Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 698: There is one place you did not check

Just on the wrist, there are scars of different depths.

She was worried about his injuries elsewhere, but she could not say anything.

"Really no more." Shen Jingyu's voice contained a slight smile, and the little woman's concern made him very useful.

He Ning lowered her head and said in a commanding tone: "Undress, let me see."

In Shen Jingyu's phoenix eyes, there was a deep, she was sure, want to let him undress?

The little woman really has no sense of danger...

Does she know what it means to let him undress now?

He held a smile at the corner of his lips, spread his arms, and handed himself all to her.

He Ning took the initiative to take off his military uniform, and then the camouflage T-shirt inside.

Carefully check his chest, back, and see if there are any wounds.

Fortunately, except for some old wounds left over before, no new wounds were added.

With the touch of her finger on his skin, Shen Jingyu's body was awakened in full, but she just checked his body and didn't know how many flames these movements caused.

The more she didn't know it, the heavier Shen Jingyu's breathing became. She lowered her head earnestly, and her hair occasionally fluttered across his chest, arousing a slight tremor.

Shen Jingyu breathed the sweet scent from her hair, letting her body be in her sight, arrogant and unrestrained.

He Ning checked his upper body, then directly attacked his waist and directly took off his military belt.

Shen Jingyu took a deep breath and whispered: "Ning... are you sure you want this?"

"Of course it is." He Ning was very anxious, most afraid that he would not hide it from him.

Shen Jingyu's chest rises and falls, feeling her fingers sliding from her thighs to the position of her ankles.

Her unknowing movement caused his heart to shrink suddenly, and immediately stretched again.

Bowing his head, her small head, and her nervous and caring movements were all printed in his phoenix eyes.

After the examination, He Ning found that there were really no injuries except a few scratches, and he sighed lightly.

"Fortunately, it's nothing." He Ning raised his eyes and just happened to crash into his phoenix eyes that were already full of flames.

She suddenly realized what it was, turned around and changed the subject and said, "I asked Sister Li to prepare some supper for you. You only came back. You must be hungry. Eat more later."

"There is another place you haven't checked." Shen Jingyu pulled her back, her voice turned dull, and grabbed her little hand.

"Where?" He Ning's voice suddenly became anxious.

Shen Jingyu dragged her little hand, pressed it somewhere, and said dumbly: "Here."

His voice was incredibly hoarse, with a thick hormonal voice, which was nice and charming.

He Ning heard what he meant at once, and the palm of his hand was hot, and he had passively grasped an object in a circle.

She realized what it was, and said embarrassedly: "Let go."

"Obviously you are holding me." Shen Jingyu's voice was a little shameless, and her strong chest leaned on her soft body.

He Ning was too embarrassed to retreat, his hand was pressed by his big palm, and he couldn't leave.

I felt sorry for him, and disliked his shame.

Shen Jingyu approached her cochlea, and the heat spread in: "The injury here is very serious, and it will be unexplained every day. It is very uncomfortable, and only you can treat it."

"Rogue!" He Ning cursed in a low voice.

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