Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 703: I don't owe him anymore

"General He raised me for more than 20 years, and taught me for more than 20 years. I admit this feeling. But my recognition of this feeling does not mean that I admit that all his actions are correct. "

"Since today's incident, everyone must attribute my investigation to my personal emotions. I have nothing to say. I don't know what will happen after this shot. Maybe it is the broken leg or the loss of my life. But. It doesn't matter."

"After the shot was taken, when I reported He Boyuan's nurturing grace, from then on, I have no relationship between father and son with him."

"In the future, I can never imagine that someone will use the moral banner of nurturing grace to press on my head."

After speaking, He Yiming directly squeezed the trigger, the bullet penetrated his thigh, and he fell to the ground.

The dull and dazzling blood suddenly spread from behind him.

At the same time, seeming to know what He Yiming is going to do, Shen Jingyu blindfolded He Ning's eyes.

He Ning's eyes were pitch black, and only a huge roar and the sound of someone falling to the ground were heard.

She desperately broke Shen Jingyu's fingers and ran towards He Yiming.

"Big Brother!" He Ning rushed over, kneeling beside He Yiming who fell on the ground, tears falling down, "Big Brother, Big Brother, why are you so stupid?"

She held his hand, her heart ached.

Shen Jingyu stepped forward to kneel and hugged He Ning.

He Yiming smiled weakly at He Ning: "I don't owe him anymore... Our mother and son, brothers and sisters, don't owe him anymore... Don't owe him any more..."

Then, the huge pain caused He Yiming to faint completely.

"Big brother! Big brother!" He Ning was heartbroken.

He Boyuan stood there, motionless, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

The people around suddenly became more solemn.

The generals of the He family who had spoken why Boyuan just now saw this scene, and they all turned away from their eyes unbearably.

It may be difficult for them to make a final conclusion about the He family's internal affairs, who is more wrong, but no matter who is at fault, He Yiming is not wrong.

They also cherish their talents, and they don't want He Boyuan and He Yiming to make more trouble.

Therefore, in this matter, more sided with He Boyuan.

However, he did not expect that He Yiming's temperament would be so fierce that he would rather pay off He Boyuan's nurturing feelings by himself than he would have anything to do with the He family in personal relationships.

"Call the military doctor over right away!" Shen Fengshan, Shen Jingyu and Fu Hongxuan said almost simultaneously.

The military doctor came over and rushed He Yiming to the nearest operating room.

Fortunately, the operating room has always been the most complete in the military, and it is also the best at gunshot wounds.

Fu Hongxuan said: "I have something else to do. After He Yiming wakes up, let me know."

After speaking, he took someone to leave.

He Boyuan also took some people and left.

From beginning to end, no one even opened up the evidence that He Yiming and Shen Jingyu painstakingly sought.

He Ning stood in the distance waiting with tears in his eyes. Shen Jingyu helped her sit down and said softly: "He Ning, I will let you go back to rest with you first."

"No, I'm just here waiting for Big Brother." He Ning bit her lip slightly, and her heart was caught by the shot just now.

Shen Jingyu sadly wrapped her in his arms: "Big brother will be fine."

"Why did he do this? Why did the president and the others have to cover He Boyuan?" He Ning had too many questions to figure out.

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