Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 706: Move the whole body

"My eldest brother and He's family have been cleaned up. He will not have anything to do with the He family in the future. You don't need to pretend to visit."

He Birong and He Peishan didn't hold their hearts sincerely, their faces became a bit ugly when they saw her saying this.

"He Ning, let's go." Shen Jingyu took He Ning, walked away from them, and walked away.

He Birong suppressed her anger.

Had He Boyuan asked her to see how He Yiming was injured, she would have never come.

With this shot, she really hated how he didn't kill He Yiming.

After Shen Jingyu and He Ning went out, the car at the Presidential Palace was waiting outside. They were invited to get on the car. The President was waiting.

They arrived at the president's office.

In the huge office, it is clean and majestic.

The heavy mahogany furniture, carved with dragon patterns and calm and classical tones, make the entire office full of the traditional style of the Dragon Empire.

Fu Hongxuan saw them come in and asked people to make tea, and said, "Jingyu, Hening, sit down."

Shen Jingyu and He Ning walked to his desk and sat down.

"How is Yiming now?" Fu Hongxuan asked.

"People are okay, the doctor said that they need to rest for a few months." Shen Jingyu responded.

"That's good. I will let the military doctor pass by and give some care."

Shen Jingyu looked at him: "Gu Yunchen will take care of him over there."

Fu Hongxuan smiled: "There is no need to add another doctor to go, otherwise, it will be interference if you go, how can you talk about taking care of it?"

Shen Jingyu still maintained a resolute calm.

Fu Hongxuan put aside his smile and said, "Your father is also here. I have a few words. I want to tell you in person."

After the tea-making assistant came back, Shen Fengshan followed.

He walked in and sat down beside Shen Jingyu.

Fu Hongxuan then spoke again: "Jingyu, what you and Yiming said, someone else in the He family has already admitted that they did it, and it has nothing to do with He Boyuan."

There was a dim light in Shen Jingyu's eyes.

He Ning also listened carefully.

They glanced at each other. What Fu Hongxuan said, they had actually guessed before. Although He Boyuan did such a thing, he would definitely not do it himself.

So after being discovered, someone can find a scapegoat at any time.

"I know that you and Yiming are both the glory of the Dragon Empire. It has been a rare genius for so many years. The army needs you. But why does the army need He Boyuan and the command of these older generations?"

"Although it is an era of peace, you know best that there can never be a peaceful and prosperous world around this country. The crisis is hidden, how many things, small ones, will affect the whole body?"

The president's voice was calm and clear, echoing throughout the room.

Fu Hongxuan said: "After Yiming's position is healed, the Presidential Palace will personally restore him. But you can no longer pursue this matter."

Shen Fengshan patted Shen Jingyu on the shoulder: "What Mr. said is not unreasonable. If it is really because of some family affairs, the country will punish a military veteran. How will it serve the public in the future? How will the army be managed?"

These are the results that Shen Jingyu had anticipated, and they were also mentioned by He Yiming.

But at this point, he still flashed a dark light in his heart.

He got up, took He Ning's hand, and said goodbye to Fu Hongxuan and Shen Fengshan.

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