Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 711: My wife is pregnant?

An elderly female doctor in her fifties came over, and Shen Jingyu immediately stepped forward and grabbed her hand and asked, "Doctor, how is my wife? How is it now?"

"Why did you do this? Why do you become someone else's husband? My wife is pregnant and I don't know? She was pregnant. She was a bit overworked, lacking energy, and low blood sugar for the past two days. Of course, she fainted. Kidney disease is true. It's okay. I will see the results of the laboratory tests for a while. The main reason is that her body is not well maintained. In the future, I will take good care of her and eat regularly so that I can't get tired." The female doctor's words meant that He Ning was okay.

But because of low blood sugar and fatigue, I fainted.

Shen Jingyu understood everything, and his expression was relaxed.

But wait, pregnant?

He Ning is pregnant?

"My wife is pregnant?" Shen Jingyu grabbed the female doctor's arm, and there was unbelievable doubt between her eyebrows.

"The men nowadays are always so irresponsible and careless. Your wife is almost three months pregnant, don't you know?" the female doctor said a little bit irritably.

Shen Jingyu really didn't know.

And it doesn't make sense. He and He Ning only regained their relationship soon, so it is reasonable that He Ning could not get pregnant.

Could it be that... He Ninghuai's child did not have a miscarriage at all?

Shen Jingyu's face showed an incredible confusion.

But obviously, she had a miscarriage at that time, and the doctors also explained that.

"Well, you can take care of your wife." The female doctor looked at him speechlessly.

"San Ye, Doctor Gu is here!" Qin Zheng rushed in.

The female doctor just regarded Shen Jingyu as an ordinary person, and now she heard the third master Qin Zheng's call, her expression suddenly became a little eccentric.

Not only Gu Yunchen but also Chu Zhuohang appeared at the door.

He happened to go to Gu Yunchen to listen to He Yiming's injury. Hearing that He Ning had an accident, he immediately followed Gu Yunchen's footsteps and rushed over.

He Ning, who was lying on the hospital bed, was already in the doctor's words and woke up. She wanted to prevent the female doctor from telling Shen Jingyu about her pregnancy, but it was too late.

There was an abnormal red on her face, because she was afraid that Shen Jingyu would suspect that the child was the one she was pregnant with, and she was afraid that Shen Jingyu would do something contrary to normal.

There was a flash of anxiety in her eyes, and the fear in her heart quietly came.

The female doctor's expression moved, and she said, "The patient has a child in his stomach. Take care of it anyway."

After speaking, she turned and left.

When Gu Yunchen and Chu Zhuohang heard the female doctor's words, they knew that it was too late. The doctor had diagnosed that He Ning was pregnant, and they were late.

A trace of worry flashed in the hearts of both of them, and at the same time they turned their attention to Shen Jingyu.

Shen Jingyu's forehead was still covered with a thin layer of sweat.

The eyebrows are deep, like a icy quiet cold pool, which makes people can't see the actual situation underneath, but can guess the turbulent waves hidden underneath.

"Um, the check must be wrong...Impossible!" Gu Yunchen broke the embarrassment and said, "Sometimes, it will be wrong..."

Shen Jingyu walked towards He Ning deafly.

He Ning opened her eyes, her eyes flashed with anxiety, and her long eyelashes blinked uncomfortably.

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