Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 718: You are the most unconscionable

On every page above, every thing he gave to her recorded was his painstaking preparation for her future happiness.

He wanted to make her live a little bit better, have a generous life, and each of them recorded the bit of love he had for her.

His fingers were on her name, and her words were the same as hers, soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

Now that she left, she chose not to take away his penny.

He only now knew how wrong he was.

It was ridiculously wrong.

The wealth of money she prepared was not what she needed at all.

This can't give her any happiness at all.

What she wants is children, family, long-term stay together and company, and true love.

This is what she wants.

He can't give it...

Shen Jingyu showed a wry smile.

Attorney Nie thoughtfully prepared the signature pen and put it aside for him to sign.

However, he picked up the pen and was still unable to leave his name in that place.

Because once he signed, the two people really have nothing to do with each other.


Ye Shu hugged He Ning as soon as he entered the door: "Is this known by Shen Jingyu? Did you really sign the agreement?"

He Ning nodded gently.

"Is it so fast? Don't you leave a little room?"

"Where is there any room?" He Ning chuckled a little, "I leave as soon as possible, and others won't criticize Sanye and the child. If I stay behind, I am pregnant with a child who is not Sanye, what do others say? "

Ye Shu sat down, held He Ning's hands, and stared at her.

"Don't look at me like this." He Ning said awkwardly, "I'm fine now."

"If you feel uncomfortable, tell me, if you want to cry, tell me too." Ye Shu knew that she would not let it go so easily.

She has witnessed more than half of the relationship between Shen Jingyu and He Ning, and she knows how they came into each other's hearts.

How easy is it to get out?

"I've already cried." He Ning whispered, "cry a lot, so don't cry anymore. I'm a pregnant woman and I can't be selfish. I have to think about my children."

Ye Shu couldn't help crying himself: "If I had to be separated from your eldest brother, I would definitely cry."

He Ning laughed: "How is the eldest brother's leg?"

"I was clamoring to come to see you. After knowing that your child was exposed, he was very anxious and wanted to fly to protect you. The doctor forced him to hold it down." Ye Shu said with a smile, "That's why I rushed back. See you."

"Oh, if it wasn't for the big brother's worry, you wouldn't come back to see me! Anyway, you are the most unconscionable!" He Ning pretended to be angry.

Ye Shu said with a smile: "Yeah, I am so dear to friends, you only know now? If you weren't my sister-in-law, I wouldn't come to see you yet. So I won't give you this delicious one. !"

"Give it to me!" He Ning snatched it from her.

Ye Shu gave it to her right away, after all, it was just to tease Hening.

"Then, have you signed the divorce agreement?" Ye Shu asked, seeing that she was really not concerned.

"Well, my part has already been signed. San Ye's has not returned to me." He Ning was reminded of this, only to remember that it has been several days, and Shen Jingyu did not send him the signed copy. come.

Lawyer Nie did not look for her either.

Ye Shu whispered: "Then you should consider Senior Chu. Senior Chu is no worse than San Ye. I think he is more gentle and more suitable for you than San Ye's unpredictable temperament."

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