Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 721: What's the difference between abandoning his wife

"So give me your hand now. Take care of you so I can go back and explain to my dad, right?"

He Ning gave him his hand and stood under the tree.

I don't know if the cherry trees are all low, or just this one specially cultivated low.

The crown of the tree was just above He Ning's arm, and the fruit was just where he could touch it with a little lift.

She was easy to pick up, and she was not too tired.

There was mountain spring water nearby, and Chu Zhuohang put what she took off and put it in a basket, soaking it in the mountain spring water.

He Ning's mood hasn't been relaxed like this in a long time.

Chu Zhuohang brought the soaked cherries to He Ning and looked at her with a smile: "Try it, you picked it yourself."

He Ning took one, and the plump cherries had an attractive luster.

She took a bite, and the sweetness and sour in her mouth filled her mouth, and the discomfort in her heart slowly dissipated.

"It's delicious." She squinted her eyebrows slightly, and smiled unconsciously on her face, gentle and sweet.

"Then you eat, I will pick more. Give Aunt Lan and Big Brother some too." Chu Zhuohang's figure sank into the dense forest.

He glanced back at He Ning, a slight smile on his lips.

Even if she does not accept him, it is enough to be able to take care of him by her side.

He Ning took a few, and the sweet and sour taste suppressed the discomfort in her heart.

Where she enters the eye, there are all low trees, dotted with red dots among the green shades.

This reminded her unexpectedly of the piece of pink daisy that Shen Jingyu had planted for her back then. At that time, the feelings were very tight, and everything was just right...

On the way back, He Ning put aside all of this and focused on the beauty in front of him.

As soon as the car arrived at the small villa, Qin Zheng stepped forward quickly: "Young grandma..."

Chu Zhuohang looked at him lightly: "He Ning and Shen Jingyu are already divorced."

"I'm sorry. Miss He, San Ye is ill, and he refuses to take medicine. He is in a very bad condition... Please come by." Qin Zheng was very sincere.

Chu Zhuohang was very angry. What's the difference between his behavior and abandoning his wife?

Now that he is sick, he knows he is going to be He Ning?

"Tell him that He Ning is pregnant and it is impossible to take care of him! Go to the hospital if you are sick!" Chu Zhuohang took He Ning's hand, "Let's go home."

He Ning said to Qin Zheng, "Assistant Qin, go see Doctor Gu."

"Miss He..." Qin Zheng did not move.

Chu Zhuohang took He Ning home.

He divided the cherries into several blues and sent them to He Yiming, Master Lan, and Master Chu.

Qin Zheng has been waiting outside the door.

Of course he had invited Gu Yunchen, but Gu Yunchen went abroad with Gu Baoyan, saying that it would take two days to return.

Besides, San Ye refused to take medicine, that is not something that other people can solve.

After He Ning had dinner, Qin Zheng was still waiting outside.

In the evening, it started to lightly rain, and Qin Zheng didn't even move his steps.

He stood straight there.

Lan Xi looked a little unbearable, and said to Sister Li, "Sister Li, give Assistant Qin an umbrella and persuade him to go back earlier."

Sister Li answered.

He Ning was wearing a white knitted long skirt with a light blue cashmere cardigan over the outside, and his hair was tied back casually, which was comfortable and gentle.

Chu Zhuohang pursed his lips while sitting aside drinking tea, the light and shadow in his eyes were unclear.

He Ning stood up, and when he passed by, he clasped her wrist: "He Ning, where are you going?"

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