Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 723: Do you think there is still a chance to climb into my bed

He clenched a fist, punched his temple, and fell heavily again.

When He Ning saw him, her heart suddenly hurt.

He...really too decadent, too lonely.

It's far from the way it was before, full of energy.

What made him like this?

He Ning walked over and whispered, "San Ye."

The shallow voice relieved Shen Jingyu from the pain a little.

He opened his eyes, and concentrated his colors, making the scene in front of him even more real.

"San Ye." He Ning stretched out the palm of his hand and put it on his forehead.

He Ning whispered: "Assistant Qin said you are sick, take some medicine."

His forehead was astonishingly hot.

He Ning guessed that he had a severe cold and fever, and the medicine prescribed by the doctor should work.

She opened the medicine and reached out to help him.

Shen Jingyu was convinced that He Ning was really here.

A thin layer of anger was in his heart, he had told Qin Zheng and Jiu Shu a long time ago that they were not allowed to go to He Ning.

However, He Ning is still here!

No one listened to his orders!

He reluctantly sat up, reached out and knocked her medicine to the ground.

He Ning's eyes were stagnant.

Shen Jingyu looked at her opened hand, feeling a little distressed, and subconsciously wanted to shake her hand, but still took it back.

"No need. My body knows what I should and shouldn't. I don't need to be concerned." His voice was dull, but his expression was awe-inspiring.

"But..." He Ning felt sorry for him, but was hurt by his attitude.

He was too cold, as if she were a complete stranger.

All his tenderness and affection in the past disappeared without a trace.

He Ning didn't have any extravagant hopes, just thinking about a husband and wife. She was still thinking about his body, but he had already forgotten all the past together.

Shen Jingyu smiled indifferently: "Do you think it is possible between us when you are pregnant with another man's child? Come here late at night, do you think there is still a chance to climb into my bed?"

When he said this, his heart was pierced sharply.

The only light in He Ning's eyes disappeared.

She bit her lip slightly.

Shen Jingyu was distressed when she saw it, she turned her gaze away, and didn't look at her again. It seemed that she was a scourge and he hated it.

"Sorry, I'm just being nosy. Sanye, since I'm here, please bookmark the divorce agreement and I will take it home." He Ning whispered.

When Shen Jingyu heard those words, he was hit again in his heart.

That is the inevitable result, but he has been procrastinating, wishing to procrastinate a little longer.

He is so reluctant to let go, even if it is just a formal name...

Obviously, he should make room for her sooner, so that Chu Zhuohang can change his name to take care of her.

He said against his will: "The things were taken to Lawyer Nie for processing. I will let him see if some of the terms are met. After processing, I will send it to you. Is it possible that you are so anxious to ask for a divorce agreement? Want to divorce early and marry another man?"

"If that's the case, I'll wait." He Ning said, "Then I'm leaving, San Ye."

After she finished speaking, she turned around, her body shook slightly, and her footsteps were a bit sluggish.

Shen Jingyu stretched out his hand to help her, to hug her, and to kiss her.

But... he still forced himself and withdrew his hand fiercely.

He shouldn't be greedy at this time, so she can't let it go.

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