Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 725: Would Sanye mind this?

Lan Xi really loves her daughter.

Especially the daughter has worked so hard to fight for this relationship...

Watching the boxes of jewellery being sent away, it seemed that her past efforts were all sent out of her heart.

Chu Zhuohang stepped forward, seeing He Ning's face calm, and his eyes no longer contained emotions as always.

He sat down and put the brocade box in front of her: "My dad gave it to you."

He Ning opened the box. Inside was a jade bracelet. The whole body was green and transparent, shiny and smooth, which was very valuable at first glance.

"He said, until you were born, he has not fulfilled his father's responsibilities, nor has he given you anything. Wearing this one, bless you and your baby."

Jadeite is generally suitable for older people, but He Ning has white wrists and small bones. After wearing it, it is rare and very suitable.

"Thank you Dad for me." He Ning knew that Lord Chu was less than showing up and would never deal with people in the Dragon Empire officialdom, so he rarely showed up.

"He also knows about you and Shen Jingyu. He is afraid that you will be unhappy, so he wants to ask if you want to go abroad to relax?"

He Ning shook his head: "I don't need it anymore. I have a native stomach. I'm not used to it in other places."

Chu Zhuohang smiled: "Okay, then I told him not to arrange."


All He Ning's things were sent to the lawyer's office where Lawyer Nie worked.

Now Shen Jingyu is not in good health, and lawyer Nie is also urging Shen Jingyu to ask him to sign the divorce agreement, so he has to put his things away and keep them safe.

It happened that Wu Shuzhen saw this scene and knew that He Ning had sent the things back, her eyes straightened with envy and jealousy.

Her goddaughter Yu Xinyan did not marry Shen Jingyu, and it has always been her heart disease.

Now that He Ning and Shen Jingyu are divorced, isn't this a good opportunity for her?

She didn't dare to do such a thing alone, so she immediately contacted Shen Jingyu's aunt.

The eldest aunt came, and asked with some worry: "Can you really get those things?"

"He Ning sent it, and San Ye hasn't asked for it. There are so many things here, I'm afraid they don't even remember what they have. Don't do it for nothing." Wu Shuzhen said, "San Ye has so many things, I would mind this A little bit?"

The aunt thought about it too.

So followed Wu Shuzhen into the law firm.

The identities of the two of them were recognized by the lawyers, and they were immediately received.

"Let's take a look at the things He Ning sent for San Ye, count them, and see if the numbers are wrong."

Attorney Nie is not there, and the rest of the lawyers have been urged to guard these things, and the Shen family will arrange for someone to count them.

Seeing Wu Shuzhen and aunt, they of course thought that this was the person arranged by the Shen family to count.

Immediately, someone carried the things out.

Although Wu Shuzhen and her aunt lived in wealthy families, they were still trembling when the box was opened.

Everything in it is all good stuff.

Pearls, agates, emeralds, diamonds, everything is available. Many of them are made by masters, even in limited editions, which are not available on the market for money.

Not to mention the various famous bags and watches, which makes people jaw-dropping.

"Jingyu is kind to this shameless woman, right? He even gave so many expensive things!" said the aunt sensibly.

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