Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 735: But can't protect her forever

He Ning did not answer, and said in a very calm tone: "Just put it back wherever you get it."

"Miss He, we are really wrong about this matter. Please take it back and forgive us." Wu Shuzhen cried bitterly and couldn't be arrogant anymore.

The eldest aunt was also embarrassed, and stood aside, smiling.

I knew it was such a result, even if they were given a hundred courage, they would not dare to make such a thing.

"I am not a public place here. Come and leave if you want." He Ning put down the cup in his hand, "If you like to stay, just stay here."

She finished speaking, got up, turned and left.

Wu Shuzhen and her aunt had no choice but to go to Lawyer Nie's side, begging father to tell grandma to return the things to the original owner.

Seeing that he couldn't keep things secret, Lawyer Nie accepted the things and went to Shen Jingyu and Jing to plead for the crime.

Shen Jingyu's mind was not on these things, and he let him go out without listening to him.

Lawyer Nie and Qin Zheng are now more and more unable to guess Shen Jingyu's thoughts.

The only thing they understood was that no matter what Sanye decided or what order he gave, He Ning was his primary consideration.

Knowing this, they will know how to do many things.

As for the companies of Ma Chenrui and Liu Zhenjing, they were acquired silently by Shen Jingyu.

No one from the outside asked what the reason was.

Which company Sanye wants to acquire, and is there any reason for it?

But Liu Zhen couldn't hold back this tone, and ran to the old lady He crying.

"Auntie, He Ning is really ignorant. I just received one thing and didn't get it from her. She was so pretentious and stunned San Ye to deal with me. You must know that our company also has your property. Yes. I told her, but she didn't put you in her eyes at all, and said that if you were there, she must clean up me too."

Mrs. He didn't like He Ning at first, but Liu Zhenjing had done too rashly in this matter.

Not only did he take the initiative to pick up Hening, but he turned around and took the initiative to pick up Shen Jingyu.

Mrs. He sighed and said, "Do you know that the first one is cheap? You take the initiative to bully this, provoke that, and now there is such a thing in the company, even I have learned nothing, where can I seek justice for you? "

"But it's not because He Ning has deceived people so much, she has to take that watch back!" Liu Zhenjing cried, "How can our family live now?"

"Okay, let's go back. This matter will end here." Mrs. He said, "Remember my words, if you don't have the ability to make peace, don't make trouble!"

Even Mrs. He didn't help herself, and Liu Zhenjing knew that there was no hope.

She went back weeping.

He Peishan stood by and asked, "Grandma, don't you really help her?"

"How to help? People have reasons and evidence. She asked for it. Do I have to take down my old face and ask Shen Jingyu?"

He Peishan said nothing.

Although Mrs. He scolded Liu Zhenjing, she felt more dissatisfied with He Ning in her heart.

"He Ning, she will have the day when she will commit a crime to me. Since she has divorced Shen Jingyu, Shen Jingyu can protect her for a while, but she can't protect her for a while. Let's wait and see." Old lady He said flatly. Said quietly.

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