Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 740: Trying to beat him sober

Thinking of the thing in my cup being changed, what the other party's purpose is, now seems to have become clear.

He glanced at the people on the bed, the clothing dropped on the ground, and the obvious jewels.

This made Shen Jingyu a little bit more disgusted and impatient.

It seems that there is no need to stay in this room in the future.

A coldness flashed in his eyes and closed the door.

He Peishan, lying on the bed, has been waiting for Shen Jingyu to come over.

After the door rang, she heard no other movement and immediately got up, but no one came in and the door was closed.

She guessed that the sound just now must be her own illusion.

Then she climbed back into the bed and continued to wait.

Shen Jingyu wanted to leave and find a new room.

Maybe after washing with cold water, the physical condition will be relieved.

However, Shen Ye's words are always in his ears.

He Ning is in the opposite room...He Ning is in the opposite room.

It seemed that there was no way to get rid of this thought, and it flicked through his mind over and over again, teasing every nerve of his.

He felt his mouth dry and his throat was also very dry...

He wanted to leave, but unknowingly went to He Ning's room.

Before he had thought about it, his hand already had his own consciousness and directly knocked on He Ning's door.

He Ning just closed his eyes, thinking it was Shen Ye coming, opened the door, a man was wrapped in a drunk, and he went straight in. He propped her arms up and pushed her head up, with a drunken kiss. , Then rushed into her mouth.

He Ning recognized Shen Jingyu at a glance, and when she was forced to kiss, she struggled hard.

Not wanting to resist him, but now, what is it?

Shen Jingyu was full of alcohol. He just tried to endure it. Now he doesn't have to endure it at all, and he doesn't want to endure it anymore. He allows his body to flourish, allowing all his emotions to be on her body and find a foothold.

He Ning was frightened by him. Not only did he drink too much wine and he was unconscious, but his actions were a bit too rough.

Bound by humiliation, she stretched out her hand and slapped him in an attempt to slap him sober.

Shen Jingyu's head was slapped aside by her, and there was a hint of clarity in his eyes.

There was a cold light in He Ning's eyes: "Shen Jingyu, what are you doing?"

He suddenly curled his lips and smiled, and the woman in front of him was something he was willing to trade and protect with his entire life.

Of course he will not hurt her.

At this moment, he really only wanted her. The more he was afraid that he would not want it in the future, the more he wanted her now.

Perhaps only when he is not awake can his feelings spread to reason and do what he usually does not want to do to her.

"You are under me, what do you think I am going to do?" His tone was stained with a little ambiguity, and he was even a little grateful to whoever brought him the wine tonight, so that he didn't have to deliberately avoid He Ning.

You can indulge yourself again, go to her, go to her.

He Ning was **** off by him, and stretched out his hand to slap him again.

But Shen Jingyu caught her finger and brought it to her lips.

His voice became muffled and darkened: "He Ning."

If he is strong, or too domineering, He Ning will be tough with him to the end.

On the contrary, once he showed fragility, He Ning couldn't follow the original wishes in his heart.

He is usually too strong, so occasionally fragile, will make her feel more distressed.

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