Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 746: Called another woman's name

They should really give each other a little more chance.

In the room, Jiang Xue patted He Birong on the shoulder, turning around and walking out without saying anything.

She could tell that Lan Feng was helping Hening out of anger.

So when you're not sure, you really shouldn't provoke the Lan and Shen people, lest there be trouble and you can't deal with it at all.

It can only be said that although He Birong is smart and calculating, he has no great wisdom at all.

Everything outside returned to calm.

He Ning's room hadn't cooled down yet.

Shen Jingyu's enthusiasm was like ocean waves, and wave after wave overwhelmed her.

Until she can't bear to fall asleep.

Shen Jingyu took the hot towel and helped her clean it up briefly.

When his fingers touched her abdomen, his eyebrows jumped fiercely.

There was actually Chu Zhuohang's child.

The gentle, enchanting, enchanting manner she called his name in a dumb voice, has appeared under other men, making his heart stagnant.

He knew that he should not blame her. At that time, she experienced life and death and was saved by the people of the Chu family. Chu Zhuohang was her only life-saving straw.

She is forgiven for her commitment to others.

But he was always bitten by jealousy, and contradictions and entanglements in his heart passed alternately.

Maybe it was because she was still thinking about it, so she bit every inch of her skin just now, wanting to wash away the marks that other men had left.

His slightly rough fingertips slid across her lower abdomen slowly.

The fetus in the belly seemed to feel the external power and beat slightly.

Shen Jingyu's brows spread slightly and gathered again.

He hugged He Ning from behind, and was entangled and tortured by the emotions that he couldn't let go of and could not get.

He has already discussed with Professor Liang, and in a few days, he will be admitted to the military medical research room, not only to treat the disease, but also to save the body and remains as the military's research materials-the first two colleagues who had the disease, both It was so arranged, and their last time was also spent there.

When there is no cure, the risk can only be controlled to a minimum.

This matter has also been reported to the President and has been approved.

And the family of the Shen family may not be notified until he is dying ill-the high degree of confidentiality of this matter determines that its nature is so strict, both cruel and indifferent.

But as a soldier, this is the only option.

Even if you leave, the remains must be research materials belonging to the military.

Holding He Ning, stayed up all night.

He Ning slept well. She was too tired last night, and her hands and feet were a little sore.

Carefully aftertaste, but it is satisfyingly sweet.

She opened her eyes, and the sunlight outside the window showed a warm dark yellow.

It should be a good weather.

She moved her body and felt confined by a strong arm, and her face was flushed.

Obviously she has made up her mind to forget... But as long as he shows up, as long as he shows a little bit better, she will be uncontrollable.

The man behind, breathing long, seemed to be asleep.

He Ning rested on his arm, letting out his thoughts, and there was a trace of sentimental silence in the eyes covered by long eyelashes.

She stretched out her hand and touched it lightly on his wheat-skinned arm.

Immediately afterwards, she heard the man’s nice voice, with a slight dullness, and whispered in her ear: "Soft, don’t make trouble..."

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