Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 749: I'm not as good as you think

He taught He Peishan a lesson for him. In the future, things like taking the opportunity to get into his room should stop.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm not for you." Lan Feng threw off his long legs and left with a big swing.

Shen Ye ran over with joy written between his brows: "Brother, I heard that you were with your sister-in-law last night?"

"Yes." Shen Jingyu did not deny.

"Then how are you guys? Is there a reconciliation? When does my sister-in-law plan to return to Shen's house?" Shen Ye was busy all night at the latest, with a tired face, but still full of energy.

Shen Jingyu looked at him: "She and Chu Zhuohang are getting married."

Shen Ye's face collapsed: "Why? Obviously you are better!"

"I'm not as good as you think." Shen Jingyu strode forward.

Shen Ye chased after him.

When she returned to Shen's house, Shen Jingyu made people tidy up.

Professor Liang said that the military laboratory is ready and he can go there anytime.

In fact, it stands to reason that he should have passed as soon as he became ill, and very few people could bear the pain when he became ill.

It's just that he has been procrastinating for time, and every time he got sick, he tried his best to hold back it.

In three days, he planned to pass in three days.

Ding Qinen followed upstairs and said, "Jingyu, is this going to be a permanent unit?"

"Well, Mom." Shen Jingyu's voice was soft, "I may live longer this time, and I won't come back to see you for a while."

"I know, there are always things like this in the army. It wasn't your dad, sometimes he didn't come back for months after he went."

Shen Jingyu narrowed his eyes and said softly: "There is Shen Ye at home, and there is also Dad. Shen Ye!"

Shen Ye poked his head out from behind his mother.

"Shen Ye, I'm not here. You are the male host of the Shen family. You have to share the burden for your father and take good care of your grandmother and mom."

"My big brother." Shen Ye gave a military salute.

Shen Jingyu looked at Ding Qinen again: "Mom, no matter what He Ning does, you can take care of it for me."

He is now speaking simply and in a clear tone.

But when he really leaves, his mother will understand the real meaning of his words.

"What are you talking about? He Ning is your Aunt Lan's daughter. Even if you don't tell me, I will take good care of her."

"My big brother too!" Shen Ye followed, clenching his fist and swearing.

There was an arc of laughter on the corner of Shen Jingyu's lips.

Ding Qinen asked the servant to go out and pack his son by himself.

Shen Jingyu has a weak temper. Although she is not very close to her when she grows up, she has always been respectful and gentle towards her. Ding Qinen is really reluctant to leave him.

After briefing his family, Shen Jingyu went directly to Baijing Palace.

I saw Fu Hongxuan.

Fu Hongxuan asked the assistant to go out and said, "Jingyu, sit down."

"Sir, I will go to the military research room in a few days."

"Have you confirmed with Professor Liang?" Fu Hongxuan asked, with deep regret in his tone.

He looked at the young man in front of him. This was the best talent among the young generation of the Dragon Empire. He had witnessed his growth every step of the way.

But now...

"It's confirmed." Shen Jingyu's voice was calm and unwavering, and she had become accustomed to matters of life and death.

"Well, I will gradually explain the follow-up to General Shen." Fu Hongxuan stood up, patted his shoulder, and said, "If you need my help, you can call me directly."

Shen Jingyu nodded.

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