Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 751: I thought you know what day it is

"Maybe Shen Jingyu is going to be promoted again?" Gu Yunchen smiled, "Or...what important military mission will he perform? Isn't he always like this. After going for a long time, he will be promoted when he comes back."

He Ning looked at them: "Didn't he say that he is going to get engaged?"

"Huh?" Gu Yunchen and Gu Baoyan looked at her together, "Who did you hear?"

"He himself. I also heard that the other party may be Fu Meirou."

Gu Yunchen shook his head: "It's not like it."

"I don't think he would like Fu Meirou. But Fu Meirou really likes him..." Gu Baoyan was also puzzled.

But no matter what was going on, He Ning still wanted to know how he signed the divorce agreement.

It's been a long time since he has left. Is it possible that he hasn't signed the sign all the time?

In the evening, He Ning called Shen Jingyu.

It has been three days since the two separated that morning.

This is the first time we have contacted each other.

After He Ning made it clear, Shen Jingyu smiled: "I thought you were going to do it for me."

"You are leaving tomorrow, didn't you even think of sending my things over?" In He Ning's heart, it couldn't be said to be angry, but the feeling of being completely left behind by him was really terrible.

"Okay, then you come here by yourself and take the things away." Shen Jingyu's voice couldn't hear the emotion.

He Ning whispered: "Okay."

"I'm in a villa in the west of Portugal," he confessed.

He Ning put down the phone, put on a thin cashmere coat, and walked out with his handbag.

"Miss He is going out?" Sister Li said hurriedly, "I'll arrange a driver for you."

He Ning nodded and walked out. Outside, Qin Zheng's car was already there.

It seems that Shen Jingyu is not without arrangements.

She talked to Sister Li and got into Qin Zheng's car.

When he arrived at the small villa, Shen Jingyu stood at the gate. Rarely, he wore casual clothes and the camel windbreaker made him look more slender and handsome.

It also seems to be thinner than before.

He Ning got out of the car and walked in front of him: "San Ye."

"I'm leaving tomorrow. Let's walk with me." Shen Jingyu took a long leg.

He Ning had no choice but to follow, but the two of them were not walking fast, their steps were light.

"Then when will my things be given to me?" He Ning didn't know why, just wanted a result.

The anxious request, perhaps because her self-esteem couldn't make her watch Shen Jingyu be engaged to another woman when she didn't get this thing.

"He Ning, I thought you knew what day it was." Shen Jingyu turned his head to see her.

Of course He Ning knew in his heart.

That was the last four digits of her phone number. He gave her a phone number with 05201021 in the back.

How could she not remember everything she used every day?

However, she showed a dazed face: "Isn't it the day I came to get things?"

Shen Jingyu turned his handsome face back, and said in a condensed voice, "Before I leave, I will let Lawyer Nie be ready."

"Then when will you leave?" He Ning blurted out.

"..." Shen Jingyu looked down at her, her narrow phoenix eyes concealing the true emotions, "Is there only such a topic between us?"

"I don't know what else there should be besides this topic." He Ning put his hand into the pocket of his coat, Shen Jingyu in his eyes, with a flickering expression under the light.

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