Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 753: Can you make cakes

Shen Jingyu followed her with candied haws.

Where does he want to eat this?

Just watching her eat, her red lips went up and down, and he suddenly looked hungry.

He walked with her to her cottage and stuffed the remaining candied haws into her hands.

"I will leave tomorrow night at the latest. Lawyer Nie will deliver the stuff before then." He just delayed it for a while, delayed the time as much as possible, and signed the document.

Such behavior is really silly.

But he is so stupid.

He Ning held the candied haws and nodded: "Then I'll wait."

"Then...bye, He Ning." Shen Jingyu said.

"Well, goodbye." He Ning's eyes were a little wet, and she turned around to prevent him from seeing his dismay.

Shen Jingyu watched her a bit cumbersome body into the small villa, and stood still on the spot.

Until the ringing of the cell phone surprised him.

He picked up the phone: "Jingyu, I'm in the west of Portugal. I will accompany you tomorrow."

It is the voice of Professor Liang.

"Thank you Professor Liang."

"Jingyu, today is your birthday, I should have come here earlier. But I thought you were also reunited with your family, so I didn't bother you."

Shen Jingyu indeed spent noon with his family.

In the evening, he left it to He Ning. Even if she didn't call him, he would take the initiative to ask her.

This is the only and the last.


He Ning returned to the villa, lying on the sofa in a daze.

"Miss He, it's already ten o'clock, usually you should have rested long ago." Sister Li reminded.

He Ning suddenly said, "Sister Li, can you make cakes?"

"Yes. If Miss He wants to eat, I'll go to bake a little for you. I'm good at this."

"Teach me to make one." He Ning curled her lips and smiled.

Seeing her look, Sister Li did not refuse, and accompanied her into the kitchen.

It didn't take much effort to make a small cake.

But it's not too early to finish.

"Sister Li, can you help me find a box and pack it." He Ning said as she put on her coat again.

Sister Li saw that she was going out and said, "Miss He, it's getting late. Are you going to give it to a friend? Why don't you let me send it."

"No, just ask the driver to see me." He Ning picked up the cake.

Divorce from Shen Jingyu is a foregone conclusion, but this is her only birthday with him.

He mentioned it several times in the words just now, and she had forgotten the whole process.

But how can you really forget it?

Just like those unforgettable memories, they have long been immersed in blood, and they can't be forgotten even if they want to.

It's better to give him his last birthday while he still has an upright identity.

He Ning soon arrived at the door of Shen Jingyu's villa.

Uncle Jiu and Qin Zheng were very surprised when they saw her, especially when they saw the cake she was carrying.

"Miss He." They walked quickly.

"Where is Sanye?"

"The third master has confessed that he wants to rest and no one will see." Qin Zheng said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, just pass the cake to him for me." He Ning said with a smile, "It should be before twelve o'clock."

Qin Zheng nodded: "I must deliver it in time. But, Miss He, maybe we have to say goodbye."

"Why?" He Ning looked at him in surprise.

"San Ye said, let us not have to follow him in the future. After he is stationed in the army, he will be replaced by new people in the future. He let us go to the company for a few years, and then work with the young master." Qin Zheng said.

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