Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 755: A little too weird

Comparing the soldiers who had died before, Professor Liang found that Shen Jingyu's infection was heavier than them, but the development of his illness was slower than them.

Once the onset of their disease begins, the pain will expand and spread rapidly. It is the kind of situation that can't be controlled with many painkillers.

Although Shen Jingyu had been onset several times, the subsequent illness did not spread rapidly.

He has been studying medical records, except that Shen Jingyu's own body tolerance is better than others, the only difference is that he has He Ning next to him.

This is the focus of Professor Liang's research.

He Ning looked directly at Professor Liang, and the suspicion in his heart grew bigger and bigger. If it was only a vague ball before, it has now become a little light, shining in the mist.

"Professor Liang, is there really nothing wrong with Jingyu's body?" He Ning asked, with firmness in her eyes.

Professor Liang did not expect that the little girl in front of him would be so persistent and have such a good sixth sense.

No one in the entire Shen family knew about Shen Jingyu's infection, because the infected colleagues were all under Shen Jingyu's subordinates, so no other army or leader knew about it.

He Ning was able to detect the problem.

"Then, what do you think will be the problem?" Professor Liang couldn't help laughing softly, looking at the younger man in front of him kindly.

He Ning couldn't tell.

She just relies on intuition, and intuition is the most unreasonable thing.

Therefore, He Ning could only shook his head.

"He Ning, accompany me to get some blood." Professor Liang stood up and went out with He Ning.

Outside the door, Gu Yunchen also arrived, and took a few steps forward: "He Ning, I will accompany you."

"Doctor Gu, do you know Professor Liang?" He Ning asked.

"Professor Liang is my mentor, of course I know it." Gu Yunchen smiled, "Professor Liang, don't mind if I go with me."

"Of course I don't mind." Professor Liang smiled kindly.

After going to the hospital to get He Ning's blood, it was late at night.

Gu Yunchen sent He Ning home, and when he left, he said, "Get a good rest."

"Yeah." He Ning nodded slightly, and suddenly she asked, "Doctor Gu, Professor Liang is in Portuguese West or Jingyuan. Do you have a research room?"

"Of course. But Professor Liang is different from me. He is a military doctor. Many of his researches are highly classified by the military, so he can't disclose it at will."

He Ning was a little strange.

At his level, do we still need to study the trivial matter of other people's lack of taste?

She remembered that even Gu Yunchen rarely dealt with this aspect, unless the other party was Shen Jingyu.

"Doctor Gu, why didn't you go to the army?" He Ning asked curiously.

"I won't go. There are so many rules and regulations that don't suit me."

He Ning laughed: "That's right, you are the most free and unrestrained. If you are asked to keep so many secrets, I am afraid that boredom will also make you bored."

"That's the truth. Then I'll go first." Gu Yunchen finished speaking and turned to leave.

When I turned around, my smile closed up just now.

This time Professor Liang came back, a little too strange.

Is there anything that Professor Liang needs to come back specifically to accompany Shen Jingyu to the army?

Although Professor Liang has a good relationship with Shen Jingyu, he is far less involved in official affairs.

When Shen Jingyu was sick that day, Gu Yunchen also took Shen Jingyu's blood for research.

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