Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 775: I accidentally learned a secret

This made his uncle Ding Jinnan also very dissatisfied with his aunt, and would rather live in the company than go home.

Ding Jinnan has fewer and fewer households for his wife.

The aunt became more and more mean and snobbery.

When everyone faces Shen Jingyu, they can still say a few words as an elder.

And once Shen Jingyu is really angry, all their titles will be changed.

It seemed that the invisible pressure seemed to have substance, and in front of him, he dared not bow his head.

"Mom, I don't want to see my aunt in Shen's house in the future." Shen Jingyu's words are very simple, not even directly to my aunt.

He told Ding Qin'en directly that he had taken care of the face of Ding Qin'en and Ding's family, but he didn't care about the face of his aunt.

"San Ye." The aunt was really a little confused.

Naturally, Ding Qinen also knew the things the aunt did. What good things could happen to Wu Shuzhen every day?

The last time I went to steal He Ning's things, I was ashamed and lost my home. Shen Jingyu didn't deal with it, and they didn't restrain themselves. They came to Shen's house to work hard.

"Sister-in-law, you go back." Ding Qinen didn't mean to speak for her aunt at all.

"Qin En, I will not deal with Wu Shuzhen in the future, I will listen to you..." Auntie said with regret, "Could you not break our relationship?"

Ding Qinen had a headache, and she would definitely not go against her son's words.

The sister-in-law in front of her really made her unhappy.

"Since you are still thinking about this sentiment, you shouldn't be like others and come and fight against He Ning." Ding Qinen said ruthlessly, "Go back, don't make trouble."

Although the aunt was reluctant, she couldn't stay.

She turned and left reluctantly.

"Grandma, Mom, if someone else comes to Shen's house in the future and makes irresponsible remarks to He Ning, I hope that such a person will never show up." Shen Jingyu's words are put here.

The old lady Shen said nothing more: "Of course, it's time for He Ning to have a good fetus. Naturally, she can't let people affect her mood. Don't worry, grandma is naturally on your side in this matter!

Ding Qinen also laughed: "Well, let's accompany He Ning upstairs to take a rest. The room is still reserved for the two of you."

Shen Jingyu and He Ning went upstairs.

After the two played with the baby in their stomachs for a while, He Ning read and Shen Jingyu handled official duties.

After Wu Shuzhen returned home, within half an hour, the Shen family sent someone to take over the business in their home.

The fifth of the Shen family was so angry that he beat and scolded, but how could he change Shen Jingyu's mind?

After Wu Shuzhen cried, she went to a place.

It is a small community, the location is not easy to find, there is a woman living in it.

That woman is her goddaughter Yu Xinyan.

She had recognized Yu Xinyan early in the morning, and she had always used it as a bargaining chip to upgrade her status and class.

However, Yu Xinyan did not get Shen Jingyu's favor at all, not to mention that even a rich and powerful son and master did not climb up.

However, Wu Shuzhen accidentally learned a secret.

That is, He Birong got Shen Jingyu's sperm and used it to make two test-tube babies, one in an ordinary woman's body and the other in Yu Xinyan's body.

Of course He Birong likes wishful thinking. He Peishan's health is not good. If she wants He Peishan to have Shen Jingyu's child, she is bound to find a surrogate.

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