Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 781: The baby's loud cry

He Birong smiled: "Why, the place I rented for you is not very comfortable?"

"No, no... Mrs. He, I just..." Yu Xinyan said incoherently.

He Birong stepped forward and grabbed her arm. Yu Xinyan was much younger than He Birong.

But now she is pregnant with Liujia, how can she be able to match the prematurely prepared He Birong?

He Birong stared fiercely with red eyes, took out a needle, and fiercely inserted it into Yu Xinyan's arm. No matter how Yu Xinyan struggled, the medicine inside continued to enter her arm.

Yu Xinyan could no longer struggle and fell softly.

With a sneer on He Birong's face, she wanted to fight herself with a little Yu Xinyan?

Don't look at who this child belongs to!

She bent down and unzipped her bag. There were all kinds of medical equipment in it, a bag full of them, which came out with a clatter, flashing light in the dark.

I don't know how long it took, a loud cry of a baby faintly sounded over the community.

He Birong picked up the child and turned on the natural gas in the kitchen.

Long after she left, she dialed Yu Xinyan's mobile phone number.

With a "boom", a room exploded, and all kinds of alarms and children's cries were heard in the entire community.


The next night, the small welcome party prepared by Mrs. Shen and Ding Qinen for He Ning began.

Although it was small and did not invite guests eagerly, there were still a lot of guests who came, and they were basically the expensive wives and daughters who had made friends with the old lady Shen and Ding Qinen.

The reason why only these people were invited was that the two elders didn't want to block Shen Jingyu and He Ning.

This welcome party was held in the Shen family’s own villa. After the arrangement was arranged in the back garden, the guests could be accommodated.

These people respected Mrs. Shen and Ding Qinen, so when He Ning came downstairs, they all looked at her with kind smiles.

He Ning still didn't understand what had happened, she only knew that the butler brought a new dress to wear for herself.

Because my belly is big, I can't fit any other clothes.

Seeing the kindly smiling faces in front of her, she must have smiled in her heart and greeted everyone with a smile.

Shen Jingyu walked upstairs quickly, extended his palm to meet her, took her, and carefully stepped down the stairs.

Because she was coming back to live, just now Shen Jingyu had led someone to install anti-collision soft rubber on every part of the stairs, and the other furniture was also specially arranged.

Facing everyone's gaze, He Ning was a little embarrassed. The matter between himself and Shen Jingyu did go back and forth many times, making everyone worried.

She came forward generously, thanking everyone for coming and caring.

"It should be, it should be." Those who responded to her were kind and kind voices.

These people are usually used to Shen Jingyu's unsmiling cold face, and He Ning treats them so tenderly, making them feel amiable and respectable.

The old lady Shen came over and said to He Ning with a smile on her face: "He Ning, this is a welcome ceremony prepared for you by your mother-in-law and I. I hope it can rush to your bad luck before, and you, your baby, and Jingyu in the future , You can be safe and worry-free."

He Ning was very moved, but thinking of Shen Jingyu's condition, he subconsciously glanced at his handsome profile.

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