Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 792: Is my little lady

"Professor Liang, can't you buy them some time?" Shen Jingyu asked with her eyes down.

"I and Yunchen are thinking of a way. I hope it can be." Professor Liang sighed, "If it doesn't work, it can only be their fate."

Fu Hongxuan has not spoken, neither Shen Jingyu nor He Ning can guess what he is thinking.

When Shen Jingyu came out with He Ning, she didn't feel too much joy because Shen Jingyu's condition was cured.

Instead, he was worried about the condition of the two lieutenants.

He Ning looked into the distance, as if he was crushed by a stone in his heart.

If things were not related to her, she might not have been so sad yet.

Calculating this way now, if the two lieutenants really pass away, she always feels that she has to bear certain responsibilities.

Shen Jingyu pulled her shoulder over and said seriously: "He Ning, don't blame yourself, this matter is not your fault, and it has nothing to do with you."

"I understand. But I always feel uncomfortable."

"Professor Liang and Gu Yunchen will try their best to help them. This matter is not your choice. You must not burden yourself with this!"

He Ning smiled and nodded: "Yes. Sometimes I live in a silly life, but I will be happier. If I live too clearly, I feel a lot of burden."

"Forget what Professor Liang said. You are not a saint, nor a world policeman. You have no obligation or responsibility to bear anything for others." Shen Jingyu pressed her head to her chest, "You are only He Ning, I am alone. It’s just a little girl."


Fu Hongxuan looked at Professor Liang with worry between her eyebrows: "Professor Liang, is there really no other way?"

"No, sir." Professor Liang said, "No matter what angle we stand in, we cannot and cannot ask the innocent He Ning to do anything."

"The country is about to lose two talents again." Fu Hongxuan's eyebrows flashed with forbearance.

"With all due respect, sir, it is their own business that they sacrificed for the country. I have been doing research in order to help them, and it is also their own business. But He Ning is a complete outsider, and she has no obligation to do anything for us. "Professor Liang said fairly and impartially.

Fu Hongxuan laughed and said, "Do you think that I would do something against He Ning? For the sake of the two lieutenants, the loss of Jingyu?"

Professor Liang didn't say a word. It is not unreasonable for him to be worried. Fu Hongxuan appeared here tonight and specifically asked He Ning to come over. In fact, he was also reporting whether He Ning would sacrifice himself or not?

Then he was wrong, even if He Ning was willing, Shen Jingyu couldn't agree to it!


After Fu Hongxuan returned to the presidential palace, the special assistant stepped forward and said, "Sir, He Yiming is here."

"Let him come in." Fu Hongxuan kneaded his eyebrows, being in his position, he was entangled in daily affairs, one by one.

He Yiming came in casual clothes, his legs were almost healed, but when he walked, he still limped obviously.

The doctor said that this was a bone injury, and it would take some time to recuperate.

"Sit down, Yi Ming." Fu Hongxuan said, "Is your legs better?"

"Much better." He Yiming sat down.

"You are also impulsive, you have to do such a thing properly."

He Yiming just smiled and didn't say a word. In short, if he returned everything to the He family, he would not owe anyone anymore.

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