Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 801: Insight into the truth

"Is it all you are willing to bear? What should we do with our children? He Ning can participate in Professor Liang's research after giving birth to a child. You can't wait for such a small amount of time! Now it's fine, He Ning has a child Bleeding and severe physical damage, for a while, it is impossible to participate in the research anymore!"

"Can you afford this responsibility?"

Zhang Ming looked at Shen Fengshan in a daze, he really did not expect such a result!

At that time, he knew that Shen Jingyu would not allow He Ning to draw blood and participate in the research, and he was worried about his son's condition in his heart. In addition, someone deliberately frustrated him, so he did such a thing.

I don't know... He Ning's blood was not drawn, and now even the research is lagging behind!

Shen Fengshan said in air: "This is the good subordinate I taught! It is to deprive others of the innocent lives for the lives of their own family members! Just like you, are you worthy of the words "sacrifice for the country?"

Zhang Hao lowered his head in ashamed form, but if he were to choose one more time, he might still do it. He couldn't just watch his son die!

Zhang Zekun was even more ashamed. He did not agree with his father's behavior!

Shen Jingyu, who was standing on the side, did not speak, and his whole body was still severely enveloped.

There is something as a barrier that separates him from everyone else, as if they are not in the same world at all.

Fu Hongxuan looked at Shen Jingyu and said, "Jingyu, since Zhang Ming has been interrupted by you, this matter can only be left out for the time being."

However, Zhang Ming knew that his hands and feet were not interrupted by Shen Jingyu.

But by another person.

If Shen Jingyu started, I'm afraid he would be dead now.

"Zhang Ming's affairs, you can no longer continue to pursue it." Shen Jingyu's voice was a bit dry, and the pain of losing the child and He Ning's current situation made him grab his heart.

He slowly said, "But, who on earth told Zhang Ming about this matter. The person who passed the message can't help but bear the responsibility."

"Zhang Mao always acted impulsively and loves his son. Someone must have fiddled with something that caused him to act so recklessly."

I didn't panic just now, now I'm completely panicked.

Unexpectedly, Shen Jingyu could see other people behind him at a glance.

Zhang Ming said in a panic: "I also just listen to what people say, no one sneers on me..."

"Just listen to what people say? Except for a few people, there are no rumors about He Ning, even my father doesn't even know about it." Shen Jingyu's tone was serious and deep.

Indeed, until now, Shen Fengshan has only slightly heard of what effect He Ning's blood has on Zhang Zekun's condition.

He didn't know much about the others.

"Even my parents and grandma don't know things, I want to know, where did you hear it?" Shen Jingyu asked every word.

Zhang Ming's gaze was a little evasive, and he obviously didn't expect Shen Jingyu to gain insight into the truth so quickly.

He hesitated and refused to say.

"Let's talk about it, otherwise, when you think about it in the future, you will feel that today is the good time in your life." Shen Jingyu's words were very light and cold.

But it makes people feel as heavy as Mount Tai.

Zhang Ming knows that he has always been cruel and iron-blooded. When no one provokes him, his fairness and justice will be given to everyone.

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