Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 804: Exactly the same as a normal child

In other words, if Pan Guanshi chose his gun, she would have chosen luck.

It was she herself who dedicated herself to death, choosing a chance to send herself into doom.

Shen Jingyu drew a gentle smile on Jiyue's face, facing Guanshi Pan, deep regret and annoyance flashed in Guanshi Pan's eyes...

It's a pity that this is the fate she chose, unchangeable.

She died of her own stupidity and her own cleverness.

Shen Jingyu took a deep look at Fu Hongxuan, retracted his gun, turned and strode away, leaving only a tall, condensed back.

Zhang Ming and Zhang Zekun were so frightened by this earth-shocking change that they couldn't recover for a long time.

Zhang Ming finally realized that he was just a **** of others, a **** that hurt Shen Jingyu...


The news came from Professor Liang. Because of the heavy bleeding during He Ning's delivery and her own blood transfusion, the research on her must be slowed down.

Originally, her due date was only these few days, and she could cooperate with the research immediately after giving birth.

It was because of Zhang Ming's trouble that he had to postpone it.

There is no other way. This time she was hunted down to give birth and it hurt her too much.

An ordinary parturient woman still needs a period of recuperation after giving birth.

Not to mention her situation.

It was precisely because of the delayed research that He Ning's body was so weak that he couldn't even get his blood. Another deputy general who became ill, Ren Jiang, fell ill and died.

"There was hope, there was hope..." Professor Liang sighed again and again.

After Zhang Ming learned the news, he knew that the mistake he had made was too great to make up, whether it was to He Ning, her children, or Ren Jiang...

After leaving a letter, he chose to commit suicide and died in a military hospital.

Zhang Zekun was repeatedly instructed in the suicide note to follow the Shen family's army and not to care about this matter.

Shen Jingyu's condition was finally known by the Shen family.

They only now understand why he refused to have children before, and he didn't hesitate to divorce He Ning to leave her.

The whole family is very dignified.

This was even more true for Shen Ye, following Shen Jingyu honestly, Babubu learned a little more, so as to share the burden for the eldest brother.

I wish I didn't know anything, so that the eldest brother would never leave.

Fortunately, everyone knew from Gu Yunchen. For Shen Jingyu, He Ning's existence was a good medicine for him, and his condition would be better in the future.


Professor Liang checked An An's body and was pleasantly surprised to find that his body did not contain the virus, which was exactly the same as a normal child.

In other words, this is a one in a million miracle.

"Great!" Professor Liang was very happy.

The whole family feels happy because of this.

The big rock that was in the hearts of Shen Jingyu and He Ning was finally moved away.

He Ning returned home, taking the children and cooperating with Professor Liang's research.

Although, I was still thinking about the missing child in my heart.

But with An'an's safety and health and his growing up, the depression in He Ning's heart gradually dissipated.

Shen Jingyu also invited a special psychotherapist to assist He Ning with psychological counseling and guide her out of the shock of losing her child.

It was two months ago when He Ning was breastfeeding An An. He was eating the milk and suddenly looked at He Ning, revealing a soft smile. The milk in his mouth splashed all over He Ning's arm.

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