Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 820: Take responsibility

When He Ning opened his eyes the next day, Shen Jingyu was getting dressed.

Her fingers were weak and weak, and he, who had been doing manual labor all night, said that he lifted the weight lightly, as if it would not consume much of his physical strength.

She opened her misty eyes and followed him for a moment.

Then He Ning discovered that he was wearing a military uniform...

"Do you have something to go to the army?" He Ning asked involuntarily.

Shen Jingyu bends down and kisses her lips: "Yes, to go to the military department, it is very likely that we need to negotiate something with the US military."

He Ning immediately thought of her own business.

She hurriedly sat up: "Will it be troublesome?"

An incomparable worry burst into her shallow eyes, and she stretched out her hand to hold his palm.

"Yes, but trust me, I will take care of it. This time it may take a little longer, but I promise that I will come back as safely as possible." Shen Jingyu put a kiss on her eyes.

He Ning's whole body was still trembling a little.

After all, this is not a trivial matter, not even something he can solve with a little ability.

When it comes to the United States, things are really too big...

She held his hand tightly.

Shen Jingyu's lips tossed between her eyebrows and eyes, and then fell on her lips, soothing her anxiety.

He Ning threw into his arms and hooked his neck.

At this moment, he was not willing to leave.

Shen Jingyu buried her head in her shoulders, did not move, **** for the natural fragrance of her body, the soft, particularly charming, which always made him calm down easily, and always made him easy. 'S confused and delirious.

"Okay, I'm in a hurry." Shen Jingyu said in a low voice, "I promise, I will come back safely to see you and An An."

He Ning finally let go of her hand and watched Shen Jingyu stand up and walked out.

She knew that what she could do was to take good care of An'an and take care of the situation of the whole family, instead of having children's affection and making him feel uneasy in the front.

Thinking of this, He Ning immediately got up and took good care of An An. After eating breakfast, she found Shen Ye dealing with things in the study.

He was still very immature, flipping through the documents, his brows knotted, and Qin was helping.

In handling official affairs, although He Ning is not as good as Shen Jingyu, she also had her own company after all, and she can still speak up in many places and make some suggestions.

She stepped forward to help Shen Ye organize the files.

Shen Ye smiled gratefully, and continued to read the documents again. Now that the time is now, he knows that he should also take the responsibility.

At the company, Mrs. Shen was in charge of taking care of it.

After all, the most important thing for He Ning is to cooperate with Professor Liang and Gu Yunchen's research and take good care of An An. She really can't spare her energy to go to the company.

Shen Jingyu did not come back for two or three days.

I heard that the pressure on the American side is very tight, and the pressure on the Dragon Empire side is very high. Even He Yiming also went with Shen Jingyu.

They want to resolve this matter, but it is impossible to cause the two countries to go to war, causing the people to have no peace, and the pressure can be imagined.

And once they entered the army, He Ning seldom was able to contact them proactively.

Unless they fight back by themselves.

Fortunately, nothing happened at home, so He Ning never called Shen Jingyu and He Yiming once.

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