Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 824: Is it because of his feelings for her?

It's just that An An always has Shen Jingyu's blood, and he can't hold An An without hesitation. After a while, sweat slipped off his forehead.

He Ning hurriedly took An An over.

An An has fallen asleep biting her fingers, her face is full of carefreeness that is unique to a baby.

Chu Zhuohang apologized: "Sorry, He Ning."

Even the child couldn't help her hold her for a while, he still wanted to give her life's happiness like that before.

Sure enough, all of this is God's will, she is destined not to belong to him, and is destined to return to Shen Jingyu's side.

"Senior Chu, don't say that. You have done so much for me. I am very grateful." He Ning said softly, and she looked at him with complete gratitude.

Yes, it is gratitude, not other feelings.

Chu Zhuohang smirked: "Then you don't have to thank me. You are my father's biological daughter. As his adopted son, I have the responsibility and obligation to take care of you."

In fact, it was not because of his feelings for her.

It's just that he didn't want He Ning to add more psychological burdens, so he made her feel that all this was nothing but his repaying.

After all, he is a man who can't even give her child a complete embrace.

He Ning glanced at him, pursed his lips and smiled, lowered his head to look at his An'an.

The car drove all the way out.

Many vehicles belonging to Shen Jingyu's army are divided into different teams. Each team consists of four vehicles. They drive in all directions, all of which are escorted by special personnel.

Each team started with the first car, and after the next two cars were broken, in the second car, there were people who were suspected of He Ning.

Only the one in which He Ning was sitting was silently hidden in the darkness.

An An also leaned calmly in her embrace.

If it weren't for An'an, He Ning might really choose to go to the military.

Sometimes she also wondered if she was too selfish, putting the pressure of the country behind her head, just to have An An and Shen Jingyu, she chose to shrink, hiding behind Shen Jingyu, and being protected by him.

But as soon as she saw An An's small face, her mind became firm again.

She has lost Lele, and she really doesn't want to lose An'an, and she doesn't want An'an's world to be incomplete and incomplete.

She gave birth to him desperately, and she must desperately take care of him and protect him until he grows up safely.

After a while, the radio on Chu Zhuohang's car began to ring.

Someone reported the news: "Master, the first motorcade was ambushed and hijacked."

"The other teams continue to move forward." Chu Zhuohang said unchanged face.

Sure enough, he expected that Shen Jingyu's motorcade was dispatched, and someone must have guessed that He Ning sitting in the car would be secretly tricked.

Even if Shen Jingyu arranged enough blindfolds, Shen Jingyu himself was not there after all, and he could not personally judge these dangers and personally protect He Ning's safety.

It's better to come here by yourself, which is more comprehensive.

"Those people were kidnapped? What should we do?" He Ning asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, those people want you and An'an. They find that they are not in the car. They will not move. Sooner or later they will be released." Chu Zhuohang comforted, "It hurts more people, and it won't do them any good."

"Master, the eighth and tenth convoys were intercepted and taken to the presidential palace." Various reports came one after another.

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