Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 829: She said she must find him

He looked up, looked at her whirling teary eyes, and said, "He Ning, you look at me seriously and listen to me."

"Dad." He Ning was sobbing, "I am too selfish. If it weren't for me, neither grandpa nor eldest brother would have any trouble..."

"No, no, you are not selfish. You are a citizen of the Dragon Empire. You have not made any mistakes. It is their duty as soldiers to protect you, just like they should protect all the Dragon Empire. The same as the people. Because they not only protect you, they protect the dignity of the Dragon Empire, and the sacred rights of safety, dignity, and health of all the people of the Dragon Empire are inviolable!"

"So you don't have to blame yourself for this. Our mission as a soldier must do so."

"If anyone enshrines innocent women, children and young children with their hands, what face do they have to talk about the dignity of soldiers? How can the country expect them to take on the responsibility of defending their homes and the country at a critical moment?"

"Grandpa's death, I am very sorry." Chu Ye's voice was cold, peaceful, and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. "However, Yiming, he just did what he was supposed to do."

"The same is true for Jingyu. All the thousands of soldiers are. He Ning, don't blame yourself. You are a citizen of the Dragon Empire, and you have the right to be protected by them."

"Yi Ming, he sacrificed for the country and died well."

When he said these words, Master Chu remembered the vows he had made when he was sworn into the army.

He was full of pride, but he eventually fell from a regular soldier to his current identity.

But the pride and pride in my heart will never change.

"If it is not you today, but anyone who wants to be taken away by the US military, I will stand up and fight them to the end. I believe that all **** men will make such a choice!"

His father's words gave He Ning strength, but the scars of losing his grandfather and eldest brother could not be easily eliminated.

She wanted to comfort her father, but tears came down again.

Not wanting to make his father feel so sad when he suffered the loss of his son, He Ning finally stopped crying and asked: "What will mom do now? And Ye Shu, Ye Shu is the eldest brother's girlfriend, no accident soon I'm going to get married."

"I asked Zhuo Hang to pick up your mother. I will tell him to pay attention to Ye Shu." Chu Ye said, "As for you, don't be ashamed of anyone. Take good care of An'an."

He Ning nodded.

The worry in my heart has not alleviated at all, but has become more and more heavier.

This night, she couldn't sleep all night.

An An relied on her very much. Seeing her moody, An An also became a little uneasy.

So He Ning had to cheer up and smiled. She didn't want her emotions to affect An An.

An An still didn't understand anything, he was just a baby under one year old, and He Ning didn't want him to bear emotions that didn't belong to him.

Lan Xi was picked up the next day.

The meeting between mother and daughter is another emotional catharsis and mutual comfort.

"Where is Ye Shu?" He Ning asked.

"I asked someone else. She went to the place where Yiming crashed. She said she must find him." Chu Zhuohang said, "I can't bring her back."

He Ning understood that Ye Shu, like herself, was a person with a lot of affection. She didn't know how long she would persist in searching for something like this happened to her elder brother.

"Then let her find it first. Senior Chu, please arrange someone to take care of her." He Ning said.

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