Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 842: She may not know how to check it herself

After all, time flies really fast, even Ping Ping is three years old.

An An is almost four years old.

In other words, He Ning has been staying on the American manor side for almost four years.

An An and Heping rushed into He Ning's arms one after another, and He Ning picked them up. Now she exercises very effectively, and her strength is much greater than before, so she can hold them at the same time.

But after only holding it for a while, I can only put it down.

He ran forward peacefully, and He Ning chased after them.

Looking at He Ning's back, Chu Zhuohang showed a satisfied smile. After a few years, He Ning did not become self-blaming, but instead gained more confidence and fighting spirit.

Her face was full of fearlessness, and she was much more lively and free and easy than before.

The only thing that hasn't changed is that she is still so pure, her eyes are crystal clear, and people can't help but indulge in it.

"Young Master Chu, are you still going to hide it from He Ning?" elle asked.

"What did I hide from He Ning?" Chu Zhuohang retracted his gaze and turned his head to look at elle.

Elle smiled: "I heard that Shen Jingyu has other women and children in China, don't tell me, you haven't found the news?"

"So what?" Chu Zhuohang glanced at her, knowing that elle's intelligence system is also very powerful, and how many powerful designers she has is equivalent to how many powerful eyeliners she has.

"Are you leaving He Ningmeng in the dark?" elle asked.

"First, the accuracy of this matter is open to question! Second, Shen Jingyu has been in the army, and I have not been able to contact him. Since he is completely in the army, how can there be other women and children? There is no confirmed matter. I never tell Hening!"

There was a warning in Chu Zhuohang's words.

Warn elle not to tell Hening about things that have not been confirmed!

Elle raised his hand and surrendered: "I definitely won't say it. I just want to remind you that now He Ning is different from before. If you deliberately want to hide her things, she may not be able to check it out by herself. ."

Chu Zhuohang frowned slightly.

Indeed, He Ning has grown up, and Shen Jingyu has not heard from it, so she can't help but check it out by herself.

Chu Zhuohang stepped into the living room, and Master Chu and Lan Xi were playing peacefully with them.

The two children are childlike and immature, which brings immense happiness to the entire manor.

When she saw elle, Ping Ping'an made a serious face.

These two children have always only shown their childish side in front of their families, and in front of outsiders, they put aside their laughter and were too serious.

Elle saw An An at a glance. He looked like a replica of Shen Jingyu. Except for a pair of eyes that looked more like He Ning and double eyelids, the rest was exactly the same as Shen Jingyu.

Especially when that little face stood up, it made elle think she saw Shen Jingyu.

Pingping is one year younger than An'an, and other parts of his facial features are like He Ning, but those phoenix eyes are exactly the same as Shen Jingyu, and they feel oppressive at a young age.

These two children are really presidents, and at a glance, they know that they are the children of Shen Jingyu and He Ning.

"An An, Ping Ping, this is Aunt elle." He Ning smiled and asked them to say hello.

In order to comply with He Ning's meaning, they said hello.

"Just call me elle."

After eating, He Ning announced a decision: "Parents, brother, I want to go back to the Dragon Empire."

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