Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 846: See him soon

But Xiaoxuan was shocked, wouldn't it be Shen Jingyu that Young Master Ning likes?

Did he come back this time and want to see a big show with his own eyes?

The corners of Xiao Zhan’s lips twitched. What charm does Shen Jingyu have that attracted Master Ning?

Look at this Young Master Ning. Although he is not that masculine and handsome, he is of the type of the beautiful boy who came out of the anime, with red lips and white teeth, and a thin, short hair. It is both stylish and free and easy.

Is Shen Jingyu worthy?

He Ning discovered that he was thinking, took the photo and knocked it on his head, and said helplessly: "What are you thinking about!"

"Master Ning!" Xiao Zhan hugged He Ning's arm, "Where is there no grass in the end of the world, why do you have unrequited love for such a crooked neck tree?"

He Ning found that this small exhibition was good at everything, with good skills, and awake, young and able to talk to the sky. He was also a person chosen by his father's thousands, but his brain was a bit bad.

In other words, his mind is a bit too good, and he can tell at a glance that he likes Shen Jingyu.

Maybe it's really like elle said, it's time to converge.

"Okay, okay, this time I came to discuss business with Shen Jingyu. Who would like him?"

Xiao Zhan opened his hand: "That's good! How nice a woman, I will take you to see and see another day."

He Ning caress forehead.

Early the next morning, she came to Shengjing.

The company is not small, but compared to the previous Shen Group, it is still not as large and magnificent as the Shen Group.

After all, Shen Group has experienced many years of development, and its business has spread all over the world, which is not comparable to this kind of emerging company.

He Ning walked in, and if he had made up his stomach, he planned to make an appointment with Shen Jingyu as a client to see him.

Just about to make an appointment with the front desk, the front desk has stood up, pointed to the side and said, "Apply for the personal assistant of the president, please line up over there!"

He Ning looked in the direction she was pointing, and sure enough, there was a long line of young men standing together, holding their resumes, waiting to enter the venue.

"Assistant to the President?" He Ning frowned slightly.

Then it occurred to him that Chu Zhuohang had said before that after Shen Jingyu came out of Shen's house, he didn't want anything from Shen's house.

Even the assistant Qin Zheng and the personal butler Jiu Shu left to Shen Ye to help Shen Ye take care of various affairs.

No wonder his company has already started business, but he himself does not have an assistant.

He Ning feels distressed when he thinks of this. He used to be such a high-pitched person who hugged him in and out. Now he fell from a height and entered the trough of life. He didn't know how much he had suffered.

It's no wonder that he hasn't come to pick him up with An An. It must be because he doesn't want him and An An to lead a turbulent life, so he will stay dormant temporarily.

In this case, He Ning didn't bother to meet him in the name of a client anymore, and directly followed the team and lined up.

She also brought the resume and personal information that her father had prepared for herself. It happened to be her current status and there was nothing wrong with applying for the job.

After He Ning entered the line, someone came to collect her resume.

She took a deep breath and patted her chest.

She was about to see Shen Jingyu again soon, and she was excited and nervous again.

The person in front is whispering: "I heard that Lord Shen was interviewing in person this time. Only those who have caught the eyes of his law can be kept."

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