Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 873: He empathizes, don't fall in love

He Ning guarded Shen Jingyu outside when he got off work at night.

He answered a phone call and walked out while talking.

He Ning couldn't wait, and ran to him, but heard him say to the phone: "Then I will come back now, be good and obedient."

He Ning hadn't heard such a gentle tone for a long time.

Who is he talking to?

Not to mention now, even before, he rarely used such a tone, as gentle as catkins to fill his heart.

He Ning stayed for a while.

Could it be that he really has changed his mind?

That's why in four years, he didn't find her and An An, didn't come to pick up their mother and child, or even mentioned the truth that he didn't mention?

She looked at Shen Jingyu, his brows deep, and his narrow eyes carried a rare gentleness.

He seemed to be listening attentively to what the other party was saying, and he was also attentively replying.

When he put down the phone, He Ning hadn't recovered yet, and was still immersed in the thoughts just now.

"Chuning, I can't have dinner with you tonight." He said lightly, to inform, not to apologize.

It was completely different from the tone of speaking to the person on the phone just now.

It seems that between her and her, there is only the obligation between the superior and the superior, and there is no other superfluous things.

He Ning's heart was hit again.

She stood there blankly, her eyes blank for a moment.

That kind of loss and disappointment, even in the past four years, he has never contacted her, and never appeared in her heart.

Shen Jingyu glanced at her face, did not say much, withdrew his gaze, turned and walked away.

He Ning opened his mouth, picked up the bag and returned to the residence.

Elle sat across from her and asked, "What happened?"

"Shen Jingyu...he has someone he likes." He Ning sighed, feeling a little flustered, "Actually, I should have thought of it for four years. If it wasn't for empathy, where would he go? Can't I and An An?"

Elle had expected such a result a long time ago, and patted her head: "Actually I have heard that he has..."

He Ning's phone rang before he finished speaking.

She hurriedly picked it up, and Shen Jingyu's voice came from the other side: "You take a document in my office, and it will be delivered to my residence immediately."

He Ning jumped up suddenly: "I'm coming right away!"

Behind her, elle said: "He has a child!"

But He Ning definitely didn't hear her, she had already run far.

He Ning took the documents and hurried to Shen Jingyu's current residence.

Except for himself, everything he currently has, for He Ning, is a strange, strange car, strange supplies, strange assistant and residence.

He became completely different from the previous Shen Jingyu, making He Ning at a loss as to what to do, and he couldn't see any of his heart from it.

He Ning rang the doorbell, and no one opened it. She pushed open the hidden door and poked her head inside: "Master Shen, are you there?"

No one responded to her.

The large living room is decorated in cool colors, but balloons and flowers are hanging everywhere, which is not in line with the original layout.

On the table, there are two steaks.

It seems that Shen Jingyu will be here tonight, having a romantic candlelight dinner with some woman.

He Ning's nose was sour, and she put the papers he asked for on the dining table. Since this was the case, she didn't want to leave more.

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