Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 878: Lord Shen, you are such a bastard

"Master Shen, I don't know what ecstasy soup Chu Ning fed the young master, and stick to her." Gong Ze said, "I can't break it, what should I do?"

Shen Jingyu's footsteps paused.

He squeezed his eyebrows heavily and walked towards He Ning.

He Ning stopped the work at hand, carefully put the little things down, and handed them to Shen Jingyu blankly.

Shen Jingyu did not reach out.

He found that He Ning had changed.

When she looked at him before, there were stars in her eyes, the look of expectation and joy, flashing with joy.

And since she saw Lele, when she looked at him, her eyes became dim, calm, with a hint of indifference.

"Here you are." He Ning handed him the little thing.

After taking care of the little things all day, she was about to fall apart.

Although... it seems that there is also such a strange sense of satisfaction, I must have a heart attack, and I will help take care of this little thing.

But when she thought of the little thing's life experience, she couldn't accept it calmly.

Shen Jingyu reached out and took Lele.

The little thing slept very deep and satisfied.

There was a smile on the face that had always been expressionless.

Shen Jingyu was startled, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

He Ning didn't feel like it. He was not so polite before. When taking care of An An, he had never reluctantly refused to help him, and An An was also a deadly enemy.

By the way, this is the attitude towards the children of other women...

He Ning is really worthless for herself and Anan.

Shen Jingyu, he doesn't deserve to have a son as good as Ping Ping An!

"Master Shen, you are such a bastard." He Ning said with a smile.

Shen Jingyu's expression changed, but he controlled the surge in his heart and did not attack.

Miyazawa felt that all his salary this month could only be used to buy glasses.

Because he has been shocked by Hening's glasses to the ground countless times.

Watching Shen Jingyu and Miyazawa leave with Lele, He Ning sat back in the chair in frustration.

Ping Ping An made a video call.

He Ning cleared up his mood, and after pressing it open, a smile appeared.

"Ningning, when would you take Dad home than home?" Pingping has always asked endless questions, "Did he ask us?"

An An held his hand: "I definitely didn't ask."

He Ning's smile froze slightly before returning to normal.

"I found out that I found the wrong person before. He is not your dad. Maybe you have to look for it again. I'm so sorry, baby, Ningning made a mistake."

"I knew it." An An shrugged.

"But I will find it soon!" He Ning said loudly.

Pingping milky voice and milky milk: "Ningning, come on, you can definitely bring back the best dad ratio!"

"Of course." An An nodded in agreement.

Because Ningning is the best!

He Ning is so guilty that she didn't fulfill her two baby's wishes, but actually wanted to take care of that little thing!

She vowed that she would never touch that little thing again next time!

After blowing a kiss to Ping Ping Ping An, she hung up the phone.

Looking downstairs, Shen Jingyu's car slowly left in sight. His window was open, and the figure of the soft little rabbit in his arms was so eye-catching.

The eye-catching is dazzling.

Her eyes reddened unconvincingly, and she found that even if she swore to forget, she couldn't help being heartbroken when she thought of those long and narrow phoenix eyes.

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