Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 891: There can only be one person

Even if Lele is only a four-year-old child, he can't touch He Ning!

A deep sense of discomfort rose in Shen Jingyu's heart.

His face sank, he came forward and grabbed Lele in his hand, and pressed him on the chair in the kitchen.

Lele is still reminiscing the smell of He Ning's lips, and Shen Jingyu is almost about to run away...

He Ning slept soundly, not knowing what happened to this one.

When she woke up, she heard the sound of cooking in the kitchen.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, He Ning walked over there in a daze. The moment she saw Shen Jingyu's back, she was shocked, and then realized that she was now appearing where she shouldn't have been. local!

The soles of the feet were about to slip, and Shen Jingyu's voice came from behind: "Leave and eat together."

He Ning looked back awkwardly, and saw him wearing an apron and holding a spoon. There was a faint expectation in his eyes.

This is not the Shen Jingyu she knew before!

He used to have a habit of cleanliness and never entered the kitchen at all!

The little thing also looked at He Ning eagerly, patted the chair, and asked her to sit down.

He Ning reluctantly sat down, still staring at Shen Jingyu's apron.

Seeing He Ning look at herself, Shen Jingyu briefly explained: "For Lele to learn."

This sentence has the effect of adding fuel to the fire.

For Lele to learn!

Anyway, he can do everything for the current children!

Anything can be changed!

He Ning stood up suddenly with a blunt tone: "I still have something to eat."

Shen Jingyu's eyebrows are tightly furrowed, and her long and narrow phoenix eyes are slightly condensed, she does not understand why her hair suddenly explodes.

He Ning thought he hadn't seen it, and turned back: "Sorry, I came here without your permission. I won't come again in the future."

When she passed by Shen Jingyu, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed her wrist.

He Ning is now different from before!

As soon as she was caught by Shen Jingyu, she immediately counterattacked.

Shen Jingyu's skill has always been, even, most of the time, he does not need to act.

He Ning's counterattack aroused his interest. He didn't press her too hard, but he didn't intend to let her go completely. Soon, the two of them had several tricks.

He Ning gets more and more angry as she fights, she doesn't want to stay here, can't she leave!

Why should this man be so excessive!

Is she going to watch him helplessly show off her love for other children!

Although she also liked this little thing very much and wanted to take care of him, there was no way to reconcile such a fundamental contradiction.

Shen Jingyu did not intend to let her leave.

Knowing that she will be here these few days, he feels relieved.

If she was truly far away from his life, he could no longer imagine what it was like.

Although it was only a short period of time, he seemed to have completely adapted to He Ning's intervention in his life.

Even if he hasn't been able to accept men for a while, he will try hard!

He Ning couldn't beat it and couldn't go. He was circled by his arms, between his chest and the wall.

"Boiled your share." Shen Jingyu said in a low voice, with an air of leisure, as if the person who had been recruiting with He Ning just now was not him at all.

"I said, don't eat!" He Ning became more and more angry, almost exploding!

"Then why come here?" Shen Jingyu lowered his head and asked seriously.

Questions congealed in his eyes, just wanting an answer.

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