Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 893: Want to hug him again

He Ning didn't want to answer.

The answer is too spineless! Can she tell him that it's because the little things aroused her maternal love?

Shen Jingyu straightened his face: "If you want to see me, come directly, I don't mind."

He Ning stared at him dumbfounded. Four years have passed since his relationship. He hasn't learned anything, so he learned his self-love so vividly, right?

"Shen Jingyu, your brain has a problem, right?" He Ning was so angry.

"Probably so." Otherwise, how could he become indulgent towards a man, and moreover, accept it?

He lowered his head and looked at He Ning seriously, with her short hair inverted in his eyes.

"Although it is a bit difficult, I can try to accept you." He said every word.

His handsome profile face almost touched her face.

Breathing warmly, with an uproar, made her heart beat wildly.

She had to admit that at any time, this man could provoke the deepest chord in her heart, making her unprepared and collapsed.

However, these words he said were directed at a "man"...

He Ning pushed him away fiercely: "I'm sick!"

She turned around, did not look at the two men, the older and the younger, and ran out.

Since Shen Jingyu had discovered it, she definitely couldn't take care of that little thing anymore.

I don't know what's going on. It may have been the feeling of taking care of her for a few days. In her heart, once she thinks of that little guy, she can't help but become very soft, and she wants to hug him again.

"I have asked someone to help you find out who gave birth to that Lele. But you know, Shen Jingyu, it's not easy to find out. No one can get close to him."

"That Miyazawa is also a retired soldier he brought out of the army. He is a trustworthy person he has inspected a long time ago."

"So it's still a bit difficult for the time being."

Elle told He Ning of his plan.

He Ning shook his head: "Don't check, I don't want to know these things. Tomorrow I will go to my brother and help him find my elder brother."

"Also." Elle nodded, "Let Xiao Zhan be with you."

the next day.

He Ning went straight to Jingyuan, and now Chu Zhuohang was looking for He Yiming's whereabouts at the border.

He Ning's destination is also there.

The car drove slowly through the streets and alleys familiar to Jingyuan.

Suddenly, He Ning saw a familiar figure on the side of the road, and she immediately shouted: "Stop!"

The car didn't stop, she ran over and helped an old man from the ground. The old man was not someone else, but Mrs. Shen.

She was no longer as energetic and kind as she used to be. The eyes of what should have been **** were full of gloom, and her face was gray and she looked very spiritless.

Although her clothes are still upscale and clean, she seems to be aging in her teens.

"Grandma!" He Ning couldn't help but whispered.

Mrs. Shen used to be so kind to her and always stood by her side to consider issues for her. He Ning has always respected and thanked her.

The old lady Shen suddenly brightened her eyes and held her hand: "He Ning, He Ning, are you back?"

He Ningqi's practical use is a male voice, and she dresses up very realistically, even Xiao Zhan, Gong Yunxi and Shen Jingyu can't recognize her true identity.

Old lady Shen recognized her at a glance.

She hurriedly lowered her voice: "Grandma, you have admitted the wrong person, why are you here?"

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