Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 896: If you are pregnant with his child again

And all this seemed so futile, only a trace of impatience flashed in Shen Jingyu's eyes, and nothing else.

However, because Lele had a somewhat better attitude towards He Peishan before than to others, Shen Jingyu did not drive away.

"Jingyu, I heard that Shengjing has a celebration banquet in the evening, can I come?" He Peishan asked gently.

Shen Jingyu was a little stunned for a while.

In my mind, the young boy's short, shredded hair and shiny eyes flashed.

He knew that he might not be less dependent on her than Lele.

I didn't see it for a day, and my heart was a little empty.

Even, he specifically called Gu Yunchen over.

Before calling Gu Yunchen to come, he originally wanted to ask Gu Yunchen if he could do anything to make himself give up the absurd idea of ​​liking men.

However, after Gu Yunchen came, he did not see a doctor, but became an informant.

Telling Gu Yunchen that he likes a man means that he has accepted this in his heart.

"Jingyu?" He Peishan couldn't help but remind him gently when he saw him in a daze.

"Yes." Shen Jingyu answered her.

Lele still needs her. For the sake of his son, he can temporarily accept this woman in his sight.

He Peishan was very happy: "Well, I will come tonight."

She stared obsessively at Shen Jingyu's handsome face, and when she retracted her gaze, she suddenly saw Shen Jingyu's well-knotted palm next to a box of unopened sleeves!

And in his eyes, there is a little bit of tenderness at this moment!

He Peishan was immediately happy.

Does this mean that Shen Jingyu has begun to accept her?

Since He Ning's death, He Peishan has been waiting for this opportunity.

For four full years, four years, she hadn't even touched half of his finger.

But she stood by his side without complaint, waiting for him to look at her more.

And now, does he really accept her?

That set of boxes and sets, it couldn't be more obvious.

Now, she only lacked the last touch.

If she is allowed to get Shen Jingyu's heart, and then conceive his child... She has persisted for so many years, and finally achieved her goal!


After Gu Yunchen came out of Shen Jingyu's office, he went to a cafe downstairs in a hotel, waiting for the young man named Chu Ning over there.

I ordered a cup of coffee and poured it for half a cup, still not able to get out of the fact that Shen Jingyu likes men.

He likes men, so what is the former He Ning? What is An An, who they gave birth together before?

He simply cannot accept this reality!

Just as Gu Yunchen was roaring inside, He Ning appeared.

She wore a simple white T-shirt, white washed jeans, and white sneakers. She was very neat and handsome.

As soon as she appeared, the eyes of several waitresses fell on her side.

He Ning smiled at them, and when the waitress turned her head, her face turned red.

"Let's talk, what do you want to know." Gu Yunchen asked straightforwardly.

"Doctor Gu, I and He Ning are friends. I want to know what happened to He Ning in the past few years?" He Ning asked.

In fact, she wanted to ask about the situation of the Shen family, and the situation of the old lady Shen made her too worried.

However, Gu Yunchen would definitely be suspicious of rash opening.

Therefore, she intends to start asking questions from her own business.

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