Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 898: Real guilt

"We originally planned to let Shen Jingyu stay in Shen's house to recover slowly and restore his memory. Who knew that some of the people in the Shen's family who were in the middle of the family were trying to ruin the reputation of He Ning and An An, and went so far as to check the DNA of An An and Shen Fengshan. This investigation was conducted. , The problem came, and it was discovered that Shen Jingyu was not the child of Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen!"

"There is no way. Even if his parents and grandmother don't mind his bloodline, those villains have to take the opportunity to make trouble, which makes it difficult for him to convince the crowd. So he moved out."

"After moving out, Shen Ye came to power, and those villains gained power. Shen Fengshan was busy and became ill. Mrs. Shen was already very old and suffered from Alzheimer's."

"The old lady has been clamoring and clamoring to look for Shen Jingyu, He Ning and An An every day, but she lost her carelessly. The Shen family... is in a mess."

He Ning was heartbroken.

Mrs. Shen is such a good person, but he became like this when he got the disease.

The Shen family treated her very well, and now all of them are so distressed.

He Ning secretly vowed that as long as there is a chance, he must help the people of the Shen family, and absolutely cannot stand idly by.

Even if I can't be with Shen Jingyu anymore, the Shen family is also my own family.

"Then...what about Lele? Who gave birth to it?" He Ning asked the most critical question.

She was afraid of hearing a certain result, but she couldn't restrain her curiosity.

Gu Yunchen glanced at her and spread his hands: "After Shen Jingyu moved out of Shen's house, she returned from a mission and picked it up on the side of the road. He didn't find such a child in the file. He didn't know why he didn't send it to the orphanage. Stayed like this."

"It's strange to say that Lele doesn't kiss anyone, so he kisses Shen Jingyu. I thought it would be good to avoid his loneliness every day, so he would be sick, so I also supported him to keep Lele. ."

"So fine."

Now it was He Ning's real guilt.

She always thought that Lele was Shen Jingyu's biological son, but it turned out not to be.

She had been sulking for so long, and she turned out to be jealous.

The corners of her lips twitched: "I thought Lele was born to He Peishan."

"You said He Peishan, she often goes to Shen Jingyu's side. Their relationship for the past two years is okay." After Gu Yunchen said this sentence, he didn't realize how destructive this sentence was.

He wanted to die and added another sentence: "But it's nothing, Shen Jingyu doesn't like her anyway, Shen Jingyu has someone he likes now."

He Ning was shocked again. Does Shen Jingyu have someone he likes? who is it?

The only thing she can confirm is that it is definitely not herself.

Gu Yunchen thought for a while, but didn't say that this was Shen Jingyu's secret, so it's better to keep it for him.

Otherwise, the whole city will be rumored that Shen Jingyu likes men. Where can he put the face of this general?

"I can't tell you this anyway. He seems to have made plans to remarry. Anyway, He Ning and An An are also gone. It's not bad that he can come out." Gu Yunchen expressed his gratitude.

It's not a big deal to like men anyway, the big deal is to go abroad to get a marriage certificate.

After he finished speaking, he noticed that the young man sitting opposite had his expression dimmed.

I don't know what she is thinking.

Gu Yunchen felt that she was very close to her. He hadn't revealed many things to anyone for a long time, but he had said so much to this young man.

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