Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 916: Too grandma's little baby

Grandpa was bold and righteous, always talking and laughing, teaching her writing and painting Chinese painting.

But after only getting along for a short time, she put her mind on An An.

I originally thought that I would have a long time to accompany his old man, let him enjoy his old age, and his children and grandchildren would be happy under their knees...

Who knows, grandpa just left because of himself.

The son wants to raise but the kiss does not wait.

Thinking of this, a thin mist of water condensed in He Ning's eyes.

She would never let Old Lady Shen suffer such hardships again.

He Ning opened the video and chatted with An An.

After a while, the old lady Shen woke up, He Ning said to the old lady: "Grandma, An An wants to talk to you."

Old lady Shen hesitated for a moment: "Is it really An'an?"

"It's true, grandma, take a look." He Ning opened the video.

In the video, An An's small face appeared inside.

Although he was only eight months old when he left, he could not speak or walk.

Now, he is four years old, and a small handsome face looks like a small adult.

But Mrs. Shen still recognized it at a glance, he was An An!

It's the grown-up An'an!

Because his appearance is really similar to that of Shen Jingyu when he was a child, except that his eyes were like He Ning and had big eyes, everything else looked like a small Shen Jingyu.

"An An! Too grandma's little baby!" The old lady Shen was very emotional, holding He Ning's mobile phone, crying and laughing.

Aunt Chen looked surprised and suspicious, afraid that this would be another liar who came to lie to the old lady.

But she looked at He Ning, and the tenderness and frankness in He Ning's eyes were not fake.

Moreover, He Ning's dedication to the old lady is by no means comparable to a woman like Xie Yichen.

Aunt Chen decided to believe in He Ning.

An An is always cool and rarely shows sincerity to others.

His character, most of the time, is very similar to Shen Jingyu.

He decided not to make He Ning embarrassed before he agreed to see Mrs. Shen.

Infected by the emotions of the old lady Shen, he rarely showed some movement and said softly: "Grandma, don't cry, An An will come back to see you later."

The old lady Shen was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and her tears stopped: "Too grandma is waiting for you, little baby."

"Yeah." An An's jaws.

After the video with An An, Mrs. Shen was as happy as a child: "My An An baby is coming back to see me, He Ning, that's great. That's great."

"Does Jingyu come back often?" He Ning asked.

Aunt Chen shook his head slightly: "Master Shen doesn't come back often. However, he is not to blame. In these four years, for the first half of the year, he has been in the army to recuperate. During the two years, he has been training in the army. Listen He said that he was always busy for eighteen or nine hours. It took six months to get better. However, he still came back to see the old lady."

When He Ning left the hospital, Mrs. Shen and Aunt Chen were very reluctant.

He Ning left the hospital and didn't go anywhere else, and went straight to the mansion where Xie Yichen lives now.

Tonight, Xie Yichen is having a birthday dinner. Not only did she invite many friends, but also many colleagues from the Shen Group.

Now both Shen Yaozong and Shen Shengren are working in the Shen Group, and their status is not low, so Xie Yichen has a lot of face and invited so many people.

The whole mansion is full of voices and lively, and it is full of drunken gold fans.

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