Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 923: Used to enjoy

Shen Shengren and Shen Yaozong also didn't understand that she could still laugh at this kind of time!

He Ning looked at them and said, "I understand now why Shen Jingyu decided to leave such a Shen family in the first place."

"What is there to be nostalgic for in this Shen family? A good member of a big family, for the sake of a little bit of profit, can actually make no distinction between right and wrong and reverse black and white!"

"Shen Jingyu left, did you become like this?"

He Ning's voice echoed in the mess, and slowly, the other voices were suppressed.

Only her voice still echoed in everyone's ears.

"Look at how you all look now. The faces are full of greed and ignorance. You know that it is wrong, but for the sake of profit, you are willing to surrender to your mistakes."

"I'm afraid that everyone asked Shen Jingyu to leave, right? Because although he can lead you Shen family to a better position, can lead you to a better life, can make you more dignified, but he is also strict. It is demanding that you pay matching efforts and hard work for it!"

"And many of you don't want to make any effort at all. They just want to share the Shen family's huge family business and the reputation and status of the Shen family, but they don't want to protect them and work hard."

"So you would rather Shen Jingyu leave than lose a powerful person in order to fish in troubled waters and try to gain more benefits! Don't want to be led by someone like Shen Jingyu."

"This is how you are now, look at your faces for yourself, what is written on your faces!"

He Ning's words touched the pain points in many people's minds.

What she said was true without a single word. Even if everyone was not convinced, no one had such confidence to stand up and refute.

No one dares to say that the choice he made is without any selfishness.

"I know that the Shen family has been in great business for many years. Many of the Shen family members have long been used to enjoying themselves and getting used to nothing. Shen Jingyu has very high demands on them, and they are already a little tired." He Ning's voice is still not worried. Slowly echoed in everyone's ears.

"But I don't know if you have thought about it. If everyone just wants to obtain and share everything about the Shen family, but no one will guard and work hard for it, how long can everyone enjoy this Shen family?"

"How long can the life you are used to?"

He Ning's words sounded like thunder in everybody's ears.

Some people who have a sense of danger and conscience can't help but reflect on it and be alert.

I am also deeply reviewing what I have done, and what I am doing, how wrong it is.

Shen Shengren and Shen Yaozong were a little at a loss. They didn't expect that He Ning would rise to such a high level to talk about such a small matter.

It seems that there are really many people who were moved by her?

Is it true that today, I really want to return all those things back?

He Ning was indeed angry.

This time, the things of Shen Jingyu, together, made her realize that the current Shen family is just because of so many huge side supports, how dangerous it is.

She felt it, and every word and word she uttered was so heavy.

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