Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 928: Bring back the truth about Shen Jingyu

Ding Qinen will not return to the riches and glory of the past.

The corners of her eyes were filled with traces of years.

The car stopped in the parking lot.

Only then did Shen Fengshan speak: "Young Master Ning helped the old lady. I heard Shen Ye say that I happened to meet you today. Please come and express my sincere thanks."

"No, I just see the uneven road. The Shen family doesn't care about the messy things the people below do, I can't understand it." He Ning's attitude towards Shen Fengshan was not good.

Shen Jingyu was kicked out of the Shen family. Needless to say, Shen Fengshan took a lot of "credit."

In this regard, He Ning has quite a criticism.

Shen Fengshan didn't mind her attitude, but said with a very tolerant attitude: "Thank you, Master Ning, this matter is my butler's lax responsibility."

"He is quite tolerant to other people, but he is very strict with his own son."

Shen Fengshan sighed: "I know that Master Ning is a friend of He Ning and Jingyu. I also know that Jingyu is doing well now... Master Ning, if Jingyu needs any help, you can contact me privately."

He Ning's anger was ignited by him, and he couldn't help but said, "What can he do for help? When he needs help, it has passed!"

"At the beginning he was seriously injured, and the virus had just been eliminated. When he recovered from the serious illness, he was suspected by the Presidential Palace and others, and suppressed by the United States. You personally drove him out of the Shen family!"

"When he needed you the most, you personally cut off his back road!"

"Now, he has become a major player, and the army and cause have been re-established."

"Now he is not the third master at the time, but the current master Shen. You said you want to help him?"

"What a joke! What are you doing to help him now, take your messy Shen family, those who have ghosts in the Shen family?"

He Ning's voice was quick and anxious, with questions and accusations.

These words are her questioning of all Shen's family.

She also wanted to ask Shen Fengshan face to face.

Since Shen Fengshan took the initiative to find her today, she naturally wanted to make it clear to him.

Both Shen Fengshan and Ding Qinen remained silent.

Especially Ding Qinen, her temperament is inherently soft, she lowered her head at the moment, wiping her tears continuously.

Afterwards, she raised her eyes and looked at He Ning with tears: "Master Ning, don't blame Fengshan. Fengshan didn't mean it."

"At the beginning, because we lost our son successively, Jingyu was already the third accident, so I suffered from severe depression."

"I only know now that Fengshan was unable to find our biological son at the time, so he picked up a child who was similar to his age and returned to replace him, so that I could recover."

"For these years, Fengshan has not treated Jingyu wrongly either..."

It turns out that this is the truth that Shen Fengshan brought back Shen Jingyu.

From the beginning, Shen Fengshan knew his true identity.

However, no one knew before, and Shen Fengshan had nothing to do with him.

It was precisely because someone wanted to investigate He Ning and An An's affairs that they indirectly found out that Shen Jingyu's blood did not belong to the Shen family.

He Ning looked a little unbearable, but his tone was still a bit unkind: "I know, Shen Jingyu is not your blood, and you have never treated him badly. He continues to stay, it is indeed difficult to convince the crowd."

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