Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 938: What if i don't

How easy is it to get together now?

Therefore, the word Chu Ning is not only a nightmare for the couple, but also a thorn in their eyes.

Shen Yaozong was about to have a seizure, and Xie Yichen held him down: "Why not, let me intercede with her first, and see if she can help us say something to the ancestor, let the ancestor speak, and pay less. ."

Shen Yaozong agreed.

Xie Yichen stroked his hair and walked towards He Ning and Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao hurriedly said hello when she saw her: "Hello, Mrs. Shen. I didn't expect to meet here. If you don't dislike it, you can sit down and eat together?"

She whispered to He Ning: "Mrs. Shen happened to have a business relationship with us. We are helping Shen Group to shoot a promotional video. If you don't mind, shall we fight with her?"

He Ning shook her head, saying that she didn't care.

Seeing such an opportunity, Xie Yichen immediately sat down and said with a smile: "Master Ning, I didn't expect to see you here."

"So you know each other." Xiao Yao smiled happily.

"Of course, Master Chu has helped us a lot. Master Ning, right?" Xie Yichen said.

He Ning was indifferent, and she didn't have much to say to people like Xie Yichen.

"Master Ning, what happened last time was a bit misunderstood. Actually, there are not so many things like what you think between me and my ancestors. Why, for the sake of Miss Xiao, help me say something in front of the ancestors. ?" In Xie Yichen's tone, there was already a bit of exchange.

Xiao Yao looked at Xie Yichen, not knowing what she meant.

Xie Yichen smiled and said: "Ms. Xiao’s cooperation with us is a big one. This matter is handled by Yaozong. If there is something wrong, we withdraw the contract, but it’s a bit difficult for Ms. Xiao to do... …"

Xiao Yao said hurriedly: "Mrs. Shen, our company has always had no problems with filming! Please trust us."

Of course, what Xie Yichen said was for He Ning: "Are there any questions? It depends on what Master Ning meant, right?"

The implication is too clear. If He Ning promises to help her with a few words, her cooperation with Xiao Yao will continue.

If He Ning doesn't agree, then this cooperation may be stale.

He Ning looked at Xie Yichen lazily.

She couldn't understand Xie Yichen's nature better.

If Xie Yichen can confess her mistakes and correct them again, if she doesn't mention it herself, He Ning will also help her say a few words in front of Shen Ye and the old lady Shen. After all, He Ning doesn't want Shen Ye to be difficult to do.

But what is Xie Yichen's current attitude?

He Ning smiled and looked at her: "I didn't understand Mrs. Shen's meaning. Can you tell me clearly, what about your demands?"

Xie Yichen's face collapsed. Is this asking her to expose her own ugliness in front of outsiders?

"Since Mrs. Shen doesn't have any clear demands, then I don't understand, how do you know what you want?" He Ning continued to look at her with a smile.

Xie Yichen had to say bluntly: "Master Ning, the last time I had a misunderstanding with the Shen family, there was a bit of misunderstanding in it. If you can help me clear this misunderstanding and let me reconcile with the ancestors of the Shen family, I will definitely do it in the future. I strongly support this Miss Xiao’s work and promise to give her everything that can be filmed."

"What if I don't?" He Ning looked at her with a smile.

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