Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 945: Crushing advantages

How can He Ning pick her?

Xiao Yao and Xiao Zhan were a little angrily: "How can this be? Why?"

He Ning didn't want to argue with them.

Because she knew that the horse sent by Shen Jingyu could definitely crush everything here.

In that case, let them be convinced!

"Then you hurry up and choose, and the game is ready!" Xie Yichen is full of winning tickets now, and he is eager to start the game early, "Boss, let her choose!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside, and a jockey ran over on a horse.

Seeing the horse stretched out, striding steadily, and leaping forward, as if it had run out of a picture of eight horses, its movements flowed smoothly, which made people feel pleasing to the eye.

"Wow, shouldn't this horse be the blood of a southern dancer? It's so beautiful!"

"Southern dancers are the most famous racehorses and the most difficult stallions to breed. It is not easy to own a horse with the blood of southern dancers now! I heard that last year’s auction price has reached three. Ten million dollars!"

"This kind of horse is not tall, has a very strong temperament, and is very difficult to tame, but once tamed, it is extremely loyal. It can be said that it can reach the level of spiritual harmony with the owner, so it is a very rare horse."

"It's really too difficult to breed, and too difficult to tame. Alas, it's a pity."

"This horse came out to crush all other horses." These horse lovers have studied this very well, and they couldn't help but talk about it as soon as they appeared.

He Ning looked at the horse.

This is the horse sent by Shen Jingyu.

Shen Yaozong and others all showed envy. After such a horse race comes out, it is not an exaggeration to say that other people's horses are rubbish.

Even He Ning's horse had been compared.

The jockey stopped right in front of He Ning, and the horse steadily stopped less than ten centimeters in front of the crowd, without a bit of dust.

This kind of acceleration and parking skills, even a luxury car, I am afraid that it will be utterly unreasonable.

The jockey jumped down and reached He Ning's body, and put his whip on both hands: "Master Ning, your horse."

"This..." Xie Yichen said in shock, "Isn't this Lord Shen's horse? Are you sure that Lord Shen wants to use the horse for her? Are you making a mistake?"

Shen Jingyu's horse is the best horse in this racecourse.

If it weren't for the accident between Shen Jingyu and Shen's family, such a good horse would not have been raised here.

The jockey said respectfully, "Master Shen personally arranged it."

Xie Yichen was dumbfounded.

Shen Yaozong's face was also darkened a bit.

If He Ning's horse is one or two points better than theirs, then this horse is one hundred points better.

He Ning smiled and said, "This horse came out of this racecourse. Why, do you have any other opinions?"

Of course Shen Yaozong and Chen Shaoye were not convinced.

However, it was also them who had agreed to come down just now. Do you want to eat your own words and get fat now?

Xie Yichen was unhappy, but could not think of a better reason to refute.

"How could Lord Shen lend it to you?" Xie Yichen said in vain. Ever since Shen Jingyu came out of Shen's house, her temper has become even more weird, even more cold and ruthless than before.

How could he have such patience with this man who emerged for no reason?

"You don't care about that." He Ning showed a smile and walked to the horse.

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