Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 947: Have long been secretly promised

These young masters really don't like people outside the circle, but for those who have real skills, they have never refused.

Seeing them high-five and applaud, Xie Yichen's face collapsed so much that he was about to fall to the ground.

Soon, He Ning ran the designated distance.

The horse stopped in front of everyone.

He Ning jumped off the horse.

A group of rich second-generation young masters stepped forward to high-five He Ning, some of them were enthusiastic, and even hugged her.

But I don't know why, the few people who hugged He Ning always felt the chill behind them, as if someone's eyes were watching them.

Therefore, their paws just patted Hening's shoulder and then loosened.

Instead, Xiao Yao rushed over, threw into He Ning's arms excitedly, and shouted happily: "Chuning, you are great!"

He Ning gave Xiao Yao a hug sincerely.

Xiao Zhan's face twitched. This Xiao Yao seemed to like Master Ning sincerely. Looking at Master Ning's attitude, this is the rhythm of taking both sexes?

Shen Yaozong and Chen Shaoye arrived together in no particular order.

When he arrived, Shen Yaozong's face was already dark, like the bottom of a pot.

Moreover, both of them were sweating, and at first glance they used all their strength.

But there was only one such result, not only related to the configuration of the horse, but also to their own riding skills.

When dismounting, Shen Yaozong's face never stretched.

And Young Master Chen was even more daring, and said: "Chuning, I am willing to bet, I apologize to you! I also apologize to Miss Xiao!"

"I accept." He Ning had no deep hatred with this Young Master Chen, so naturally he would not care about him.

When Master Chen saw her frankly and openly, he felt that she was a good friend.

He Ning lifted his chin: "Zong Shao, what do you say about your bet?"

At that time, everyone heard with their own ears that if Shen Yaozong said that he had lost, he would leave the Shen Group and give up his position in the Shen Group.

His face was ugly, Xie Yichen's face was even worse than him, and the couple stood there unwillingly.

"Anyway, everyone is here to testify. Shao Zong is a member of the Shen family, so he shouldn't violate the bet he set, right? Otherwise, how will you mess with the market in the future? Everyone will despise Zong Shao, right? "He Ning said with a smile.

Shen Yaozong was agitated and said loudly: "What I said by Shen Yaozong will always count!"

After speaking, he threw down his whip and strode out.

There was a groan from all around.

But no one paid any attention to Shen Yaozong anymore, all around He Ning: "Chuning, you teach me how to ride a horse."

"Line up for study! Please start a class!"

"Your turning skills are very good. I want to ask how you can maintain your speed and the motivation to stop?"


He Ning walked out of the noisy crowd, took Xiao Yao by the hand, and brought her out.

Xiao Yao's face was red, but her heart was full of happiness and sweetness, she raised her eyes to look at He Ning from time to time.

He Ning just subconsciously led her, fearing that she would be hurt again.

For Xiao Yao, she has been helping her out of her responsibility and filial piety to Ning Wan.

However, Xiao Yao had misunderstood these things, and she had long been secretive in her heart, holding He Ning's fingers tightly, and feeling the temperature of her fingers.

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