Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 957: The son of the opposite

Lele didn't believe it at all, and looked at him warily.

Shen Jingyu was a little frustrated. Originally, the person this little guy trusted the most was himself, okay, now he has turned his back.

However, the person Lele protects is He Ning, and he... endures it.

One is his favorite wife and the other is his favorite son. What else can he do?

"Then I will go back to sleep with Lele first." He Ning said immediately.

In fact, she was also a little embarrassed.

If Shen Jingyu, who is standing next to him now, is still the old Shen Jingyu, there is a common memory between two people, and she doesn't need to be shy as an old couple.

But this Shen Jingyu in front of him is like a new and strange individual, with some too close relationships, which makes He Ning a bit shy...

She hurried back to the room holding Lele.

As if afraid that she would be taken away by the big bad wolf, Lele's fingers kept grasping her clothes without letting go for a moment.

He Ning felt sorry for him and kept comforting him in a low voice, telling him that there would be nothing wrong.

Slowly, she fell asleep with Lele herself.

Shen Jingyu pushed open the concealed door and stood beside He Ning and Lele's bed for a long, long time.

In my heart, I feel that I owe He Ning a lot.

He Ning went downstairs after waking up and washing Lele in his arms.

During the day, she still kept her identity in mind, not only in the dress of a man, but also in the tone of her actions and actions, she also looked like a man.

When Miyazawa came to deliver the documents, he saw her holding Lele downstairs, and her chin almost fell.

So soon, did Lord Shen let her stay overnight?

It seems that Lord Shen is determined to like this man.

I don't know what kind of Ecstasy this man used, and it worked like this.

"Place the things there, you can go." Shen Jingyu motioned.

Immediately afterwards, Miyazawa saw Shen Jingyu wearing an apron coming out of the kitchen, still holding a loving breakfast.

Miyazawa really felt that his dog's eyes were going to be blind.

For the sake of Lele Young Master, Shen Ye has indeed learned to cook.

But Miyazawa had not seen Shen Jingyu cooking with his own eyes. All he saw were the finished products, which were the finished products that Shen Jingyu confessed to him to send to the young master.

After seeing it with his own eyes, he could only marvel at... the magic of love, even Lord Shen could not escape.

He Ning sat down with Lele in his arms, and Shen Jingyu said, "Look at this document."

He Ning turned it over and took a look: "Lele's formal adoption agreement! Is it done so soon?"

"Last night I asked Miyazawa to prepare the materials, and we will do it today. From now on, Lele will officially become our son." There is no reason for the wife to explain things that are procrastinated.

He Ning smiled heartily: "Jingyu, we lost a child before and now we have Lele again. I'm really happy."

Hearing He Ning's words, Shen Jingyu suddenly became nervous: "Have we lost a child before?"

Gu Yunchen was worried about his physical condition, so when recalling the details of his relationship with He Ning, he always avoided talking about these memories for fear of evoking his sadness, so he didn't know.

"This..." He Ning guessed it too, but Gu Yunchen didn't say it.

Mentioned this matter before, He Ning would also be in pain as if she had torn a wound.

But with the current Lele, she has been able to face it calmly: "The child who was lost before is called Lele."

Only then did Shen Jingyu remembered why she had such a big reaction when she knew that this child was Lele.

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