Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 959: What is her friend

From then on, Hermanni was not accommodated by the He family, and the whole family was ashamed of her.

She lost her face in the entire Portuguese West, and then disappeared. Xie Yichen never saw her again.

It turned out that she simply broke the jar, stayed in the dark market, and made some money here.

It looks like it's still mixed well now.

Xie Yichen's heart was suddenly full of hope.

If He Manni helped her, she would definitely be able to get out of here.

Xie Yichen waited patiently, and finally waited for He Manni's chance to go to the bathroom.

She hurried in and grabbed He Manni's hand: "Sister Manni, you help me. This is Xie Yichen, do you remember me?"

He Manni was about to get rid of her, but when she heard that she was Xie Yichen, she let go and said, "Why are you here?"

"That Chu Ning killed it." Xie Yichen said as if she poured beans into a bamboo tube, "That Chu Ning, she caused me to come here, do you know who she is? She is a friend of He Ning! He Ning is dead! Dead, seeing our good days have arrived. Who knows where a Chu Ning popped up, and he did this to us again..."

He Manni hated He Ning deeply. Everything she had was given by He Ning!

If there is no He Ning, she is the woman who should marry Shen Jingyu, she is the authentic young grandmother of the Shen family, and the wife of the authentic Shen Jingyu!

She had been holding a sigh of anger towards He Ning, without venting.

After the news of He Ning's death came, she hadn't settled for a long time.

Hearing Xie Yichen's words, she asked: "Chuning? What friend of Hening's?"

"It's a man, but he's a lot more delicate than a man. As soon as this Chu Ning appeared, he came to Shen Jingyu's side. I don't think 80% of it is a good thing. Mannie, you know I've always been on your side. Yes, after your accident, Yihao and I were looking for you everywhere. It was great to see that you were okay. When He Ning was there, Shen Jingyu used to bully us, but now she is gone. A friend of hers who dares to fight against others, you say you are not angry?"

Xie Yichen's words aroused great anger in He Manni.

He Manni wanted to settle accounts with He Ning a long time ago. Since He Ning is dead, another friend of He Ning's life and death has appeared. Then this account should be counted on Chu Ning's head!

Xie Yichen couldn't help being very excited when he saw that He Manni was about to be moved.

He Manni nodded and said: "You invite that Chu Ning here, I want to see how she can escape from my palm."

Hermanni is in a good position now, and she has climbed up to the Han Ye outside. She is very favored and eats well in this area.

It couldn't be simpler to want to clean up a young man casually.

So she didn't take this matter seriously.

"But Sister Manni, I can't talk to the outside world now..." Xie Yichen was only sold here, and there is no freedom at all.

He Manni threw a mobile phone to Xie Yichen.

"Thank you Sister Manni, thank you Sister Manni." Xie Yichen thanked He Manni very much.

As long as you have this mobile phone, it is much easier to escape, and it is simply a good thing to be able to avenge Chu Ning's revenge.

After Xie Yichen got the mobile phone, he immediately called He Ning and asked her to come here in the name of discussing cooperation with Xiao Yao.

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