Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 970: The great secret

"Smelly Biaozi, dare to lie to Lao Tzu!" Ye Han was already worried about the person who had offended Lord Chu.

Now that he knows this is all caused by Hermanie deceiving herself, how can she bear it?

He Manni was really scared. She hugged Master Han's leg and begged for mercy again and again: "Master Han, please go around me this time, I will never dare anymore, I really never dare..."

There was a bang, and everything returned to calm and end.

Hermani fell in a pool of blood.

She opened her eyes wide and was unwilling.

But...she never thought that if she succeeded in the first place, the person who died under the bullet would be the innocent He Ning.

Han Ye put the gun away, and didn't look at her any more.

People outside rushed in and said in a low voice, "Master Han, Master Shen has spoken, let us get out of here, and don't be conceited."

"Master Shen, Master Shen!" Master Han's hand was a little stiff, "Which Master Shen?"

"Shen Jingyu."

One night, he got in trouble with Lord Chu and Lord Shen!

That night, Han Ye took the people and moved out of the site where he had dominated for many years, and he didn't even dare to ask what was the reason.

He might not have thought of it in his entire life, but it was just because He Ning injured his subordinates and injured his hands here that Shen gave such a heavy order.

From the beginning, no one should provoke He Ning.

No one will pursue Hermanni's death.

People who are in the dark market where dragons and snakes are mixed have never had a future, and no one will pay attention to their lives and deaths.

No one will even ask one more question.

Han Ye left, He Manni died, Xie Yichen was completely honest, and never dared to make any messy ideas.


He Ning's injury healed within a few days.

After she was done, Xiao Zhan told her that Master Han had moved away, and now she didn't know where she went.

"When something like this happened, he moved away?" He Ning muttered suspiciously.

"It seems that it was Master Shen who came forward. Although I don't agree with you and Master Shen very much, a responsible man like Master Shen seems quite attractive..." Xiao Zhan said over the phone.

No wonder Han Ye left so soon, it turned out that Shen Jingyu came forward.

He Ning discovered that Shen Jingyu is now shorter than before, and no one is allowed to hurt her at all.

When I think about it, my heart feels warm.

Shen Jingyu has something to go abroad for a few days. He Ning is fine these days and can spend all his time with Lele.

When Miyazawa bought the big and small bags and delivered them, He Ning couldn't help but be surprised: "Vice President Gong, didn't you go out with Lord Shen?"

"Master Shen said, let me stay and take care of you and Young Master." Gong Ze put down the things and looked up and down He Ning.

I didn't think it before, I just thought she was a handsome boy.

Since hearing her suspected He Ning that night, Miyazawa felt more and more that she was not like He Ning, but a fake He Ning at all.

It's just that many people are deceived by things like appearance, and it's not easy to deceive the fake and keep the truth.

As expected, the power of the glasses is too large, and I haven't even noticed this before!

Fortunately, I didn't go to rest early that night, or I almost missed such a terrifying secret.

It seems that I will have to do my best in the future.

Miyazawa's attitude became more diligent: "Young lady, what else do I need to do?"

"What do you call me?" He Ning looked at him warily.

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