Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 974: He will treat this son as his own

Shen Jingyu looked at Ping Ping seriously, he was very soft and cute, like a child's version of He Ning.

However, unlike An An, she had a pair of pill phoenix eyes, and the narrow phoenix eyes on his face did not violate the slightest.

On the contrary, it made him a bit more recognizable and cute than other children.

"Daddy, you eat first, and I will take you to my room later. I have so many toys to share with you." Ping Ping crawled to his seat with a smile on his face like a bun.

It seems that Ping Ping is also very satisfied with his dad.

Shen Jingyu nodded: "Okay."

Chu Ye and Lan Xi were very pleased to see that their father and son were in a harmonious relationship. They had never thought that Shen Jingyu had already transferred so many thoughts in his heart.

At night, Ping Ping pestered Shen Jingyu to play with his toys.

His toys are a bunch of soldiers, all of them arrogant and arrogant, neatly lined up in a line, obeying the command of his "general".

"Dad, don't you also have a military uniform? Mommy said you have one before, didn't you?" Pingping looked at him with admiration and longing.

Of course, Shen Jingyu did, and he was used to carrying it with him. Hearing Pingping said this, he immediately put on a military uniform.

This can make Pingping happy.

Pingping immediately grabbed his hand and began to practice in front of his "troops."

Yan Junhao has already left, An An is standing alone, holding his arms and looking here.

With a face of envy, when Shen Jingyu glanced at him, he turned away from his eyes again and pretended not to care.

When Shen Jingyu withdrew his gaze, An An looked here again.

"Brother, can you come too!" Pingping ran over La An'an's hand.

An An walked over and looked up at Shen Jingyu: "You come, are you here to take Ningning away?"

"Snatch it? Why should I **** it?" Shen Jingyu raised her eyebrows slightly and asked back.

"Ningning was originally with me, but to find you, so I left. With you here, Ningning won't be by our side all the time!"

Shen Jingyu lowered her voice: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Me? My goal is to grow up quickly and then marry Ningning. In this way, she doesn't have to wait for someone who can't wait, and she can stay with me all the time!" An An raised her small head with a face Stubborn.

"I am your dad. If Ningning marries me, our family will be together forever."

An An thought for a while, a worried look flashed between her eyebrows: "Ningning is mine!"

"Well, it's your mommy and my wife. Mature men will never live under the protection of mommy." Shen Jingyu said unhurriedly.

This is too reasonable, and An An was speechless to refute.

He got angry and ran out on the ground.

Pingping hugged Shen Jingyu's thigh: "Dad Bi is going to take my brother and me home?"

"This time I will come to see you first, and wait until Ningning and I have resolved some issues, and then come back to pick you up, okay?" Shen Jingyu's voice was gentle.

Pingping has always admired this dad in military uniform, and immediately clapped his hands and applauded: "Okay! Then we can live together forever?"

"of course."

He held Shen Jingyu earnestly, with his little head leaning on him very dependently.

Shen Jingyu's heart was suddenly filled.

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