Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 997: I knew that Lord Shen liked men

"Oh my God! Oh my god! What did I see? Chu Ning succeeded in pursuing Lord Shen? Succeeded?" A female employee couldn't believe her eyes and shouted.

"I said it would be successful! In this world, handsome guys should be with handsome guys, so as to prevent others from thinking about it. They match very well, right?" another female employee followed.

The female employee just now nodded: "Pity, I have admired Lord Shen for so many years. He was snatched away by another man before he even looked at me. Fortunately, it was not snatched away by a woman, otherwise I would really want to Furious! I would rather lose to a man than a woman."

A male assistant stared wide and muttered: "I knew that Lord Shen likes men. I should bravely try it out for love anyway!"

"You?" Everyone looked at him, "I didn't say it, or that Chu Ning looked more pleasing to the eye. And you don't know, the young master of Shen's family is difficult to take, even Vice President Gong can't handle it. Chu. If I can handle it, that's also a skill!"

A manager came over and said, "Are you too free to panic? Don't hurry up to work!"

Everyone broke up in a rush.

He Ning and Lele didn't stay long before they left.

However, Shen Jingyu's mood was soaring all afternoon.

Rarely commented on the subordinates who report to the work in a pleasant manner and pointed out the direction of progress.

This little allocation made many subordinates suddenly open up, and they were infinitely useful.

The subordinates who have been reviewed by him are almost grateful to He Ning, and quietly wish her health and longevity, longevity than Nanshan.

Everyone agrees that Shen Jingyu has such a boyfriend, which is very good.

In addition to looking for He Yiming, Chu Zhuohang was busy with the affairs of his proper company.

When He Ning came to look for him, he had just finished a meeting.

"Send Lele here?" Chu Zhuohang stretched out his hand to take Lele and asked.

"Brother, I think your suggestion is quite reasonable. Going to Lele to different places and meeting different people can broaden his vision and improve his mood. So you suggest that I send Lele to live for two days. Proposal, I agree."

Chu Zhuohang looked at Lele: "Lele, what do you think?"

Lele smiled at Chu Zhuohang, nodded, and his cheeks were pouted. He Ning took him around recently, but he gained weight, and the fleshy little bun was even cuter.

"Well, I will live with my uncle in these two days." Chu Zhuohang lifted him up, drove the plane, and started spinning.

Lele screamed in surprise, with unconcealable joy and joy in her eyes.


After receiving news that Shen Jingyu and He Ning were together, Xiao Zhan rushed to Shen Jingyu's villa for the first time.

As soon as I arrived, I saw Shen Jingyu and He Ningzheng hugging and kissing each other, like no one else, loving Wushuang.

He Ning turned his head to see him, Xiao Zhan turned and left with a look of grief, okay, he really gave up, and he was impressed by the abilities of his young master.

After all, is there anything she can't do to a man who can catch Shen Jingyu?


In the evening, after a whole afternoon of fatigue, He Ning leaned against Shen Jingyu's arms with sore fingers.

Shen Jingyu gently grasped her short hair with fingers, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

Life seems to be on some sort of normal track.

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