Sweet Wife in My Arms

Chapter 2206: Tortured relief

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The little girl in the toddler is called this way, and they don’t know how the child grew up. The parents are not black, but he looks like an international friend.

Xunxun is very white in the child, standing with the little brunette, the little brunette can't watch anymore.

And looking for the little brunette's name, the little brows frowned.

"Mom, Xunxun is not the right little brunette," Xunxun was scared when she heard that she was going to become that little brunette, and that was all right, she was crying to hold her mother's grievances, her brother was not black, She can't be black either.

"Then drink milk well," Yan Huan placed the glass in front of her daughter again. "You see that milk is white, right? The more you drink, the more white you become."

Xunxun also knows, but she just doesn't drink.

"Mom, can Xun use a bottle?" Xun Xun consulted with his mother. Dad wouldn't let it. Mom would.

"We use cups," Yan Huan placed the cups in front of her daughter again. "We are all grown up and are big girls, so we need to use cups, okay?"

Xun Xun was still unwilling, muttering his small mouth and not talking, and his big eyes were misty, anyway, he was unwilling to drink with a cup.

"First take a sip, it's delicious."

Yan Huan opened the cup, and there was a straw in the cup. First drink it with a straw, and then let her use the cup slowly. It always needs an excessive amount.

Xunxun looked at the cup, now he looked at his mother...

Then she took the cup with her little hand and took a sip carefully.

She blinked her eyes and took another sip.

Yan Huan rubbed her daughter's small head and finally drank it willingly. Fortunately, Xun Xun was a reasonable child. Otherwise, she didn't know what to do?

If this little face is really sad, she can't stand it.

But now I'm finally willing to drink, just drink it, just come slowly.

Xun Xun grievously finished drinking a cup of milk, and rubbed his eyes to sleep.

Yan Huan took her daughter up and took her to bed. After drinking the milk, she must have fallen asleep. It is always the habit to look for it.

If she didn't drink that milk, she wouldn't want to sleep because she was killed, and then she would cry and make people feel headache.

This little temper is indeed a bit big.

When Lu Yi came back, he found a little girl who had no vengeance. He ran over and let his father hug him, and said that he missed his father's milk. The little mouth was still as sweet as before. Let Lu Yi is so cruel to make her give up the bottle.

But there is no way, she still has to give up the bottle, but finally there is a new beginning. When Ye Shuyun brought her a cup to drink at night, the little girl didn’t know that she was moved by her mother today, so she said she was in a good mood. , Now very obedient, Ye Shuyun hasn't said a few words, she was holding the cup and drinking milk, the small hands and small faces are small, and indeed, this child is beautiful and cute, really Let adults not even talk a lot.

That's why the long and beautiful one is taking advantage. Seeing his family's Xiao Xunxun takes advantage.

After taking the cup, Ye Shuyun saw that there was still some milk left in the cup, but Xunxun was reluctant to drink it. If she put it in the past, she would have to drink this pot of milk. There is really no way to leave so much left. They worked hard, and it was very hard to find.

And Xunxun has fallen asleep holding his doll, little child, just a little bit, Ye Shuyun put the cup away, finally, all the scourges were gone one by one, and his family will also be in the future. It’s safe.

After Lu Qin's death, Qin Xiaoyue took Lu Qin's body away. No matter what Lu Qin made in the first place, he had already paid back these with his own life. Perhaps some injuries could not be compensated, but he He has given all he can, including his life.

Ye Shuyun was not too cruel. In the end, it was humane to discuss it with Lu Jin. Qin Xiaoyue was given some money. Qin Xiaoyue's injury was not serious, but the heavy one was her heart. I believe it was not. A man was stabbed by his own son, not surprised, not afraid, and not hurt, not to mention that he had already died before he died.

This is even more bleak than the white-haired man giving the black-haired man.

Qin Xiaoyue took the money and left without taking anything. As for her jewelry, Lu Qin did sell it, and no one knows where the money was sold. Lu Qin did not say from beginning to end Where did the money go, I might have bought that thing too.

There are many things happening in this year. The Lu family is still the previous Lu family, and there is not much difference. After Master Lu came back from training, Xunxun had given up the bottle, although he said that he drank more milk than before. It’s less, but now I don’t want a baby bottle anymore. After giving her the cup, she will drink it herself, and she doesn’t have to be fooled by adults. Of course, it’s because she was also given to her after being caught last time. There were some hidden wounds on the soul. I don’t know how long it would take for her to fall back from her heart, but now she is not picky about eating, even the meat that she didn’t like most before. Yeah, Ye Shuyun feeds her every day, and feeds her belly. So recently, the flesh she lost has grown back. Although she is still very thin, her small face is fat. Too.

Grandpa Lu was happy when he saw that his granddaughter was gaining weight. He was always happy in his heart. He thought his family was cheating on him again. , The children are also good, and Xunxun also gave up the bottle.

But he didn't know. In fact, this time he was taken out to recuperate, just to give Xun Xun a bottle of feeding. There is no need to give up milk, anyway, this milk powder can be used for a lifetime.

Grandpa Lu is slipping his three grandsons every day, walking around here, wandering there, and in their area, it is indeed out of the limelight.

The Lu family is still the Lu family, and the Ye family is also the Ye family. As for the Su family, it is still the Su family.

There are only some people who walk a little bit earlier than they did, like Su Muran. Since the last time Zhu Mina gave her a lot of blows, Su Muran started to be bad. It may also be said that some students It's irresistible.

For her, life is torture, but death is relief. Sometimes she is thinking whether she is dead. It is better. This is the end. She doesn’t have to be treated like this every day. Disease afflicted.

But she was born to be immortal. The doctor rescued her again and again, and pulled her back from the dead heap again and again, but Su Muran now really wanted to die, she didn’t know why she had to live, so painful It’s better to die, isn’t that good?

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