Sword Among Us

Chapter 1027: Mysterious stone monument (first)

Chapter 1027 Mystery Stele (First)

Chapter 1027


"How is it not a cheat, what does this material do, it's hard..."

“It’s a bit like a stone plate!”


Two men and one woman chose to open the yellow silk cloth package to see what is inside...

The result is what they are disappointing. It is not a martial arts cheat, but a kind of exquisite and unknown slate that can be dropped at any time even if it is placed in a Qiankun bag. There are some pictures that are incomprehensible.

Four stone tablets!

Four pictures!

The above display requires continual enlightenment.

"No, not immediately."

"It can't be consumed. The above tips need to find a quiet place to try to understand the real mystery in the stone image. It is useless now."

"It's over..."

The faces of the three people became very ugly, and the last hope in the heart was also far away.

Looking at it, the image of the Luohan Buddha in the early stage of thousands of mythological realms is so dense that it will be like a copper wall and iron wall. The two men and one woman in the central area are frustrated, and there is a life that is graying down. More than a month of hard work has completely drained the feeling of running water.

"We can't go out."

"Even if he gave a book to Luo Zhiheng, he could not help us to leave this **** place."

After a while of silence, the woman teacher was dismayed to recognize the sigh of fact:

"I think that our mission this time should not have stolen these four stone tablets from the hands of so many Buddha statues in the Great Buddha Temple..."

"Not stealing, what is it?"



"Think about it, the teacher asked us to ask for the task. If you find something, you must bring it out as soon as possible, away from Shizhixuan, escorted to Cihangjingzhai. If you can't bring it out, you can do everything, even if you destroy something. Off, you must not let Shi Zhixuan get it! I think..." The teacher and the woman smiled bitterly: "The organs here are stunned. With our strength, it is impossible to get out. Maybe from the beginning, our task is to destroy these four stone tablets. Instead of taking it away..."

"Destroyed it?"

"We have worked so hard..."

The two men took a breath of cold air and clung to the stone in their hands, and immediately became excited: "Do you know what you are saying, do you know that this stone monument is the **** of heaven and man?" Next...you, do you want to ruin it?" After all, they are not happy people at this level, they can face the wealth of the peerless wealth of the world, and remain calm and rational - not to mention the things in their hands are likely to remain It is above the blessed land.

"Do you think I will be willing?"

Female organ teacher smiles:

"You think about it yourself! Even if this thing is "God of War"! We have no way to bring them out now."


"If we continue to stay here, the possibility of being taken away by the evil king is even greater... When the time is not only lost the stone tablet, the mission fails... but it also loses a life! We finally managed to do the relationship with the teacher. The level of friendliness, this mission failed, the teacher will be completely disappointed with us!"


The two men looked at each other and revealed a complex and difficult choice.

They are also reminders to understand their companions, but the treasures and wealth they have acquired are enough to change their current status, and even make them the top experts in the world, the top level, let them give up everything they have in their hands, they have not found it before. ......

"Get it done."

The female organator naturally understands the difficulty of fighting the two companions, but she is now the only one of the three who can still be more lucid.

She is very clear that it is impossible to drag the evil king and the two men behind the strength of the teacher!

Thousands of Buddhas are so loud and quiet that the evil king cannot be found! !

"No more hands, once the evil king comes over, not only will we all finish, the mission will fail, and things will fall into the hands of evil kings..."

The female organator spoke a bit and spooked the two stone tablets in his hand in an extremely determined manner.

Under the gaze of the two companions, the female organator struggled with one hand, and the palm of the hand was fierce and fierce. It was cut out from the air, and the stone was broken into a pink smash.


The stone monument made by this unknown material can't be easily destroyed. The sound of the ‘嘭’, the stone monument is safe and sound, and it is swept away by the palm of the hand to the Buddha statue.


Seeing this scene, the three faces changed dramatically.

Almost subconscious, the three shot at the same time to prepare to recapture the stone.

However, just after the shot, the Luohan Thousand Buddhas broke out with an amazing momentum, and a fierce invisible air wave suddenly burst out from the front.


Hey! Hey! !

The lower body of the three people was swept by the force of Wan Hao, and they fell to the ground without any image.

The two stone monuments were not affected by the waves, and they flew into the thousands of Buddhas without blocking. They landed on the open space between several Buddha statues, and there were more than ten meters apart.

"It's bad, it's bad."

The three men climbed up from the ground and saw the stone tablets that fell into the rohan array. They all showed a bitter smile.

The female organator even regretted it. How could she not think that this seemingly tough stone monument was so beaten, and she was all right in the fight.

"The stone tablet won't come back!"

"What to do?" The three suddenly became the ants on the hot pot.

Originally they were still between the two choices of going out and destroying the stone monument to complete the task, but now... they have to face the bad news of the task failure.

Three hearts are sinking quickly!

"Don't worry!"

"Don't be self-defeating." One of them took a deep breath and calmed down. "We still have a chance."

"Use the hidden weapon to see if you can destroy the stone monument!"


"Hurry up! Fast!!" The three people took out the bows and arrows and the flying knife...

Aim at the stone monument in the Buddha statue of Luohan!

Hey! !

One of them is the fastest, the three arrows are combined, and they are lined up to the stone tablet. It is the technique of bow and arrow that frees the realm. The power is very overbearing.

Just when the three people were expecting the stone to break, a gust of wind blew, and the three arrows suddenly disappeared in the air.


Without a slight indication, the three arrows disappeared in the moment of approaching one of the stone tablets!

The three men stupid for half a second.

The first time I suspected that it was a nearby Buddha statue, these Luohan Buddha statues were preventing them from destroying the stone monument...

But the next second.

A figure that made the three faces pale and blank appeared in the vicinity of the stone monument. The middle-aged man, his manners, was just a moment of bowing down to the stone tablet, and his face raised a strange smile.

"It’s no trouble to break through the iron shoes!"

The three faces are pale!

Evil king! ! !

Shi Zhixuan actually returned at this time.

Seeing that a stone tablet was easily taken into the hands by Shi Zhixuan, the three white faces suddenly added a bit of bitterness and despair.

The three also got the hint of the mission failure...

Just when the three people thought that the matter was serious, suddenly Luohan had a big change!

The nearest Luohan Buddha statue from Shizhixuan suddenly seems to have a focus, and the hard arm is pulled out with great strength.

It happened suddenly!

A shot, the wind is thundering, there is no wind!

At the same time, several other Luohan Buddha statues in the vicinity were shot from all directions at the same time. The hollow palms rushed to the front of Shi Zhixuan with a heavy tearing air, and instantly formed a killing game.

"it is good!"

Seeing Shi Zhixuan's stone monument caused the siege of the Luohan big array, the three eyes brightened, as if they saw the dawn in the desperate situation.

At the same time, the system prompts the three people to recapture the stone tablet from the evil king's hands, and can save it!


The three people are overjoyed!


Shi Zhixuan’s attention was originally concentrated on another stone monument ten meters away. I did not expect that the Luohan Buddha statue, which had been in good condition nearby, suddenly shot, and was also taken aback by the moment.


The evil king is the evil king. In the face of many attacks of the mythical level of the Luohan Buddha statue, he is not flustered, and an amazing burst of momentum bursts out of the body.

boom! ! ! !

A strong temperament rushed out.

Several attacks of the Buddha statue of Luohan suddenly hit an invisible gas wall! Go on the move!


The tongue screamed at the thunder of spring, and the shadow of the sky was swept out of Shi Zhixuan. The nearby Buddha statue was cut like a sharp weapon. It broke down from the fist and quickly became a broken Buddha statue. The momentum is also gone.

In the central area, the arrows and hidden weapons of the three female teachers were even close to each other, and they were shocked back by the fierce wind.

Seeing Shi Zhixuan's hand-to-hand ruin ruined multiple Buddha images, the faces of the three men returned to helplessness and frustration.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The evil king Shi Zhixuan plunged to the vicinity of the second stone tablet, easily dispelling the offensive of the Luohan Buddha image, and ruined the Luohan Buddha image encountered on the way, and took the second stone tablet into his hands, and the sinister smile on his face gradually expanded. There is a sign that the tyrannical atmosphere is overwhelming.

"The second one, look at the parts of the four stone tablets that you helped me find, and surrender the other two stone tablets. I will spare you three people!" Shi Zhixuan’s eyes turned, and the sights fell to the female teacher’s two Companion face.

The latter was shocked. In the face of the evil spirit of the evil king, he unconsciously stepped back two steps, subconsciously grasping the stone in his hand.


Two other Luohan Buddha statues collapsed from the hands of Shi Zhixuan. The latter slowly and slowly stepped toward the center area, slowly approaching in the attack of a group of Luohan Buddha statues.

The majesty of the world, the hustle and bustle of the wild, intertwined, like the same demon god, so that the female body teacher's face is more and more dignified, breathing is also more and more urgent, in this powerful oppressive momentum I almost suffocated.

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