Sword Among Us

Chapter 924: Cherish the endgame! Yi Jin Jing

Chapter 924 is a ruin! Yi Jin Jing

"It’s dead again."

"Oh, it seems to be a life-and-death, no wonder so weak."

Near the Wu Temple in a small town at the foot of Lushan Mountain, there are few people. Only a few people who look pale are sitting and chatting together. They noticed that new figures appeared in Wu Temple. They all showed strange colors, and then they regained their interest in losing their eyes. .

Happy also did not pay attention to the people outside the Wu Temple, squatting a small Dan Dan, the real gas to operate independently, while suppressing and recovering internal injuries, while constantly moving towards the town.


The players who have resurrected from the Wu Temple have always been pale and ugly, decadent and angry. They first regain their internal strength and qi and blood, and then they say that they are so happy that they will not be able to take a small amount of money. .

A shot makes people feel a domineering face.

"It's a rich boy."

"Hey, my friend stayed." One of the openings stopped happy.

Happy to look back, slightly frowning but no heart resentment, because the person who called himself is obviously also a Shaolin disciple:

"Is there something?"

"Er, no, friend, you just came out inside, we want to ask, have you just arrived at the back hill? Was it killed by the lion's madman?" Several detached masters felt an invisible from the happy body. Oppression, in the body of a life-and-death player, feel the condescending level of the sectarian elders to their condescending momentum, the atmosphere of jokes suddenly reduced.

"Lion? Maniac?"

Happy just got rid of the crazy monk, I didn’t know how to come over for a while, but soon, the aura in my mind flashed, and the face suddenly appeared a surprise color:

"You are talking about Zhiheng Monk and Xuankong Master in the heights of Mount Lushan?!"


This time it’s a few people in front of happy faces:


Several people looked at the fun weirdly.

Gaochun Zhiheng of Shaolin Shaolin, as well as the master Xuankong, is almost a legend known to everyone on the rivers and lakes, especially the “Zhenzhen’s Endgame” created by Xuankong Master, which attracts many players every day to crack. secret.

This kid seems to be calm and steady, and the breath is pure and fierce. It should be that the Shaolin disciples are correct, how the tone is so strange.

“Thank you for a few words, let me know!”

Happy and overjoyed, but could not help but shouted, tiptoe, a few ups and downs rushed out of the town, let the latter players confused.

"This kid has a snoring disorder."

"Isn't he thinking he can crack the game?"

"Even the high-ranking players from both home and abroad are planted on it, just like him?"


A group of people gradually recovered as usual.

They did not know that their inadvertent inquiry was a good news for the happy.

The Zhiheng monk is still there, and the master of Xuankong has not left, which means that the endgame is not broken. The "Zhenlong Shishi" studied by Xuankong Master has not been won by anyone.

"Zhen Long Shi Shi" is the first school he got in another world, and he is also a close-knit invincible school. If he can get a hand in this world, and with the already well-established foundation, the strength will be greatly improved. It will soon be able to re-enter the ranks of the top experts in the rivers and lakes.

The depression from the peak of the penalty suddenly swept away, happy and rushing, and rushed to the top of Mount Lu.


While getting this news, Happiness suddenly speculated another intelligence wave.

Since you are crossing two parallel spaces.

Since we can use the experience here to use it in the world there, does it mean that we can also help us to re-enter the summit by developing resources on the other side and moving to the world here?

When I think of it, I am more excited about the mood that I am already crazy about...

When I first entered the rivers and lakes, I was a little confused and overwhelmed. The time was gone, and I finally found a way to cut into the world! !

Chen Kaixin over there has promised him. Once he encounters difficulties, he will try to delay until 12 o'clock in the evening and let him solve it together.

There, you can still arrange and do something, such as collecting more resources that have not yet been developed.

In addition...

There is more room and room for operation.

Here, the evil emperor cultivated the martial arts on the "Tian Mo policy"... But now the evil emperor must have not yet gotten ten copies of the "Tian Mo policy", did not get the "Dao Xin Devil Dafa", the strength or under the emperor .

The threat is not as good as the evil emperor here.

When I think of the depths, my heart is filled with new ideas and plans.

Thinking about it, the speed of happiness is not diminished, and I am rushing to Shaoshan Shaolin with a wounded body...

The current first goal is the master of Xuankong. Although he has not got the true biography of the mad monk, he is still alive and will also get the "Dragon 10"! Although it was shot down the mountain, but the harvest is great! Thank you for speaking...

and many more!

On the way to the back mountain, there was an inexplicable incitement in the heart of happiness, muttering in the mouth:

"I am still alive."

"Yeah, I am still alive, but the crazy monk has already made ten tricks for me..."

Silence for a long while, a very strange but uncertain smile suddenly appeared on the happy face: "I don't know if he will approve."


"Take him, anyway, now the time is more, go for another trip, ask clearly is not it?"

After thinking about it, I am happy to change my direction and turn to the peak of punishment.



"Hey, when did you leave, why didn't we see it?"

"Your face is so ugly, it won't..."

On the edge of the cliff, several Shaolin disciples are still waiting here, seeing the happiness of the wind and the fire, suddenly squatting there.

"One lost, fell."

Happy and eager to rigorously put forward my own ideas, hurriedly explained it briefly, and quickly went through the chain to the opposite side...

The younger brothers on the cliff here looked at the back of the cloud area with a stunned look:


"Hey, that brother is afraid to go to the crazy monk."

"Intra-injury, forget it, wait until you don't stimulate him, try not to mention the mad monk." Several Shaolin disciples nodded silently.


When I stepped into the dense fog area, I heard the mad sorrowful cry: "Take my hand, are you still alive?"

"Ten moves have passed, thank the masters for their mercy."

I was very embarrassed and did not answer the question, but directly led the topic to the topic.

The dense fog area suddenly became silent.

I am not worried, I sit on the ground and wait for the mad monk to reply...

In fact, when the mad monk said the sentence just now, he already knew that he was presumably correct. When he was out of ten strokes, he even got through the madness and inheritance.


After about three minutes, the voice of the mad monk rang again:

"But it."

"You are a Shaolin disciple. Naturally, you are qualified to get my clothes. You are not arrogant, and your skills are still solid. You should be a non-person."

"Master agreed?"

Happy to take a deep breath.

"You have passed."

The mad monk sighed: "For forty years, I didn't expect that I could find a disciple. What is your name?"

"...the disciples are happy."

"Although you get my approval, my martial arts originated from Shaolin, and my martial arts were cultivated. In fact, it is also the martial arts of practicing Shaolin. You take it..."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the air broke into the air.

The latter raised his hand and caught a piece of woven material in his hand.


system hint:

"Get Shaolin Baodian "Yi Jin Jing"!"

Happy and happy, I am busy with the "Yi Jin Jing" income Qiankun bag: "Thank you for the Master's gift."

“Yi Jin Jing is just a technique to strengthen the body, but with Shaolin Chan Wu, it can make the body bones more tough and reach Dacheng, which can form a tough periosteum in vitro and outside the bones. It is very difficult to pose a threat. In the past, I relied on Shaolin’s marrow-washing and Yijinjing to complete the whole body, and the breathing force was full and free.

Happy gradually became fascinated.

The mad monk is indeed true.

When any powerful martial arts is always exhausted, it is not worthy of superb power. Only the whole body is perfect, and the cultivation of the steel and iron bones is not destroyed by foreign objects. It is truly invincible in an invincible position. .

""Yi Jin Jing" can only exercise your muscles and muscles, bones and bones, three years later, waiting for you "Yi Jin Jing" Dacheng, come to me again, if you can guarantee the heart, persevere, I will teach you "washing marrow through"."

I heard that happiness is both exciting and not lost.

"Yi Jin Jing" is not only a Shaolin Collection, it can greatly strengthen the body and enhance the innate attributes. It can be compared with "Jiuyang Shengong". The "Purification of the marrow" is inevitably the method of internal repair, which can further enhance and strengthen......

However, the "Purification of the marrow" will not be available until three years later.


Since the mad monk has already said this, there is no way to change and reverse all of this. "Yi Jin Jing" is on "Yi Jin Jing".

It’s great to be able to get the mad monk’s clothes.

What's more, there is also a "Zhen Long Shi Shi" at the foot of the mountain waiting for himself.

Worried about the mad monk, happy to walk out of the dense fog area, they chose to practice "Yi Jin Jing".

Yi Jin Jing

Wulin out of school:

Cultivation conditions, 200 points of root bone, 200 points of arm strength, 200 points of understanding. The cultivation conditions are the most horrible value that you can see.

However, in the three years of painstaking repairs, the basic attributes are very stable and solid, and each of them has broken through 200 points.

Ding! !

system hint:

"Successfully cultivated the Shaolin Collection "Yi Jin Jing" and inherited the mad monk."

"Yi Jin Jing" can broaden the width of the meridian, increase the storage of internal force storage, and accelerate the speed of internal force."

Widening the width of the meridians and increasing the amount of internal force storage means that the operation of one circle can increase the internal force;

Accelerate the speed of internal forces, which is the ability to recover.

Level 1 "Yi Jin Jing".

When I started the "Yi Jin Jing" to let it run quietly, I realized that Yi Jinjing broadens the true meaning of the width of the meridian.

Every time it runs, it’s very difficult...

The process is very hard and requires a lot of concentration to motivate.

But every time the infuriating operation, the meridians seem to be forcibly squeezed a little bit...

The internal force that entered the country was very slow, and it actually increased by 0.3 in just less than three minutes.

At this moment, happiness is only a quarter of a big Sunday.

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