Sword Among Us

: Wan Beast Villa

Chapter 930 Wan Beast Villa

"Yi Jin Jing" is not the inferiority of the "Jiuyang Spirit".

The latter, happy and cultivated, know that the greatest effect of "Jiuyang Shengong" is to enhance internal strength and enhance understanding, and to accelerate the ability to master the essence of martial arts, the characteristics of the yang to immune cold, sinister series of internal forces;

But "Yi Jin Jing" is different...

It is from radical transformation and reinvention, broadening the meridians, enhancing the innate attributes, and refining the whole body to the realm of copper and iron bones, and rapidly improving internal forces.

Although it has only been run twice in three major days, the level of Yi Jin Jing is able to enter the second realm, but the two operations have brought a substantial improvement to happiness.

a sudden increase in force within ten points;

The 'roots' and 'arms' of the innate attributes are simultaneously increased by seven;

The defense itself has also increased by nearly a hundred points.

This is the data that I was happy to leave in the pavilion and watched for half an hour.

"I don't deserve to be Shaolin's Supreme Collection! "Yi Jin Jing", really worthy of the name." Open a double-eyed moment, happy eyes spurt surprises:

"Without a week, you can enter the disengagement situation for up to four days. If the discovery of the peak of punishment is correct, you may be able to use the blow, strengthen your muscles and strengthen your bones, and you can cultivate faster..."

Long-haired, happy without hesitation, take out the horse card and summon the hoof.

"Man, I haven't seen you for a long time."


The hoof shadow snorted, and the relatives groaned on the happy face.

"It's still the same, so naughty, well, set off, take me to the 'Wan Beast Villa'." Turning over the horse, he rushed down the mountain road in the voice of a group of Shaolin disciples.

"This kid, don't die."

"Where is the brother, the riding skills are superb! The last time someone ran down like this, the nose was not the nose, not the face."


Listening to the exclaimed Shaolin disciples all the way, happy on the back of the hoof shadow, legs clenched in the horse's belly, swiftly out of the narrow mountain road, leaving the Lushan.


Wan Beast Mountain Villa, not far from the capital city, was built after a global sword conference, which appeared in a large Hu business near the suburbs of Beijing.

Hu Shangfu can be an enemy. After coming to Beijing, he was fascinated by the prosperity of the Central Plains. He made a huge land outside the capital, built a huge manor outside the capital, gathered strange animals from all over the world, and hired countless rivers and lakes to see. Home nursing home.

On the surface, the Wanchang Mountain Villa is just like this, but in fact it is the spies of the scorpion. In the name of collecting rare animals, it recruits people and prepares for the surprise attack on the capital.

After being seen by the court, Hu Shang hid in the ground. The village was full of organs and engulfed countless imperial courts. In the end, he had to hand it over to the people of Jianghu.

Wan Beast Villa, where many Hu people are elite, animal trainers, and countless beasts who have used drugs, the realm from the inaction to the early days of the myth.

Such a place where wealth and danger are concentrated has naturally become a high-level cultivation and treasure-taking place for players.

In the footsteps of the hoof shadow, it took only one hour, and I came to the periphery of Wanshi Mountain Villa...


"Let's cross the guard! Block the door, don't let the **** animal trainer send the monster out!"

"Brothers have their hands and feet, and the traps are intensive, waiting for the fish to slip through the net, and the witch is ready!"

At the door of Wan Beast Villa, there is a team of ten people who are busy at the speed. Under the command of a young man who looks like a head-necked man, two big men with a tiger-backed waist are wearing a golden light that makes them happy. The other end of the wall-like doorway wins time for the people in the ramp below the gate;

In the martyrdom, a group of people are busy setting up traps, and they are familiar with their skills and tacit understanding. They should all be foreign disciples of the old man.

Seeing this, I was so happy that I stopped.

It’s not because they blocked the door. There are a lot of gates to pass through, but because they came to Wanshi Mountain Villa for the first time, they want to see for themselves the extent of the beasts and the strength of some players...

This group of people in front of us clearly belongs to a relatively special group.

Most of them are remote secret weapon divisions and organ divisions. The woman standing next to the captain in the team is still a Miao niece, holding a relatively delicate box in her hand, which has a crisp and sweet voice.

In conjunction with the two "Arhats" in front of the ramp, the idea of ​​their captain is obviously to use the fixed trap of the organator to carry out an instant horror explosion to clean up a group of beasts and animal trainers.

All of this is obviously very different from when I am happy to leave...

The master's technique is more mysterious!

The two Luohan bodies that cross the Taibao have reached the level of ‘golden body’ Lohan, and the equipment on the body looks very good. It is the way to pursue the defensive limit.

Happy inevitably comes to the interest, leaving to see what...

In the martyrdom, there is obviously no way to support the attack of a group of beasts in the face of a group of beasts;

The power of dozens of serial bombing traps is still unclear, but it is necessary to accurately grasp the best time to explode and maximize the killing effect. There is a lot of knowledge in it, and a bad one will cause the beast to come out.

"All right!"

In the martyrdom, a group of organators ran on the safe open space.

When a group of people all withdrew, they noticed the happiness of a single horse not far away, but did not say anything, and all stood by the captain.

"Let's cross the insurance, speed is out!!"

"Witch is ready."

With the captain's order, the people in the martyrdom swept out with the strength that did not fit the size of the body.

With the sound of the tiger lion screaming in the eardrum, the great white tiger and the lion are chased out from the inside, and the beast in the mouth has a little lion's taste.

The strong breath, no less inferior to the peak of the martial arts master.

What makes you even more surprised is that these tiger lions still have some precious armor that does not affect their actions.

"Sure enough, the Hu merchants in the rich world, even the Lion Tigers are wearing a product..."

Happy heartfelt sigh.

Just then, an intermittent whistle came from across the ramp...

The movement of the herd suddenly lags.

"Not good! The animal trainer found the organ, damn... sorcerer!"

The prostitute who had been standing next to the captain quickly uncovered the lid, and the two gold and silver flashed into the ramp.

Then, the inside quickly rose into a pink smoke! It looks unusually gorgeous and weird.

Seeing this, happy finally can not help but reveal the shocking color.

The beasts that were prepared to retreat in an orderly way suddenly became violent, uncontrollable and biting each other...

The prostitute's viciousness is actually the kind of confusion.

"Trigger agency."

As soon as the captain opened his mouth, the organ buried in the martyrdom was making a loud noise.

The sound of a metal collision and the pierced body of the body, mixed with the fierce pain of the beast, screamed in the tunnel.


Happy dark road.

Although the beasts in the martyrdom are mostly dead, it seems to be a perfect battle, but when you think about it, the captain still does not grasp the best opportunity.

If you cross the training, don’t retreat so fast...

If the agency can be arranged shallower...

When the animal trainer and the herd enter the martyrdom, the prostitute will take another shot, which is definitely a situation that has been exhausted.

Now looking inside the gap of the ramp, there is at least one more number of martyrdoms remaining on the other end. The fate of these people is either giving up the spoils and turning around, or a group of teachers risking their lives and the remaining beasts die. Fight.

However, I am happy to see that these teams have not realized the amount of killings and have already prepared for the battlefield.


The sound of the spring of the chain of the chain was stopped, and only the painful mourning of the beast was left.

A round of hidden weapon smashed out, completely smashed the beast inside, the captain took the lead with two cross-training Taibao rushed into the ramp.

Go in quickly and retreat faster!

It takes time to get the spoils from the beast, but obviously the animal trainer's whistle is faster...

With the bursting of the tiger lions screaming, after the Taibao Temple, the captain took the people and rushed out.


"It's still so much."

"Fast! Place a group of organs outside!"

"No! We can't hold on for so long!" Cross-training Taibao first said that it was strenuous.

"Use 'Golden Body Lohan'!"

"I have used it for a long time, or can it last for so long?"


The captain can't put it down: "The inside equipment can be harvested and earn at least 10,000. Are you not ruining me? No, lead it out, cross the Taibao to take away part of it, the organ division will deal with the animal trainer with me, and the prostitute is ready to let go. !"

There are ordinary beasts and elite beasts in Wanshi Mountain Villa.

Ordinary beasts use drugs, which are highly lethal, but relatively easy to wear, because there is no equipment on the body, only flesh and blood can sell money;

However, the elite beasts are very difficult to deal with after special training, and they usually surround the beastmasters in groups, and they are all in armor, not inferior to a junior myth!

"Another wrong decision."

Happy to see carefully not far away.

Although there are many people here, the organ dark weapon division is very fragile.

Once brought out, the initiative is not here, but in the slightly more intelligent animal trainer.

The prostitute's anti-drug effect obviously lasted only a short period of time, spread the local scope, and could not take care of the overall situation. At that time, the cross-training Taibao could not control the situation, and the organ division would be the first to die.

Sure enough, I was not happy...

The moment when the six beasts rushed out from the inside, the pressure on the cross-protection Taibao increased sharply.

The teacher of this side has just started, and the whistle of the animal trainer is coming soon!

One long and one short.

Leave two white tigers, and the remaining lions shake the earth! From two directions, they flew to a group of organs that released the hidden weapon behind the Taibao.

"The strength of the white tiger and the lion is more than three hundred and fifty points..." Hearing the trepidation of the wind and the thunder of the ground, he sighed with a cold breath: "No wonder these people come from remote organs, the general solution I am afraid that the martial arts masters will not be able to get the benefits.

Between the thoughts, a group of people over there could not support it, and some even opened their mouths and asked for help: "Friends, trouble to reach out."

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