Sword Among Us

Chapter 955: Three wolves appeared

Chapter 955, Three Wolfs Appear

"I don't know what happened. He hasn't appeared for a few days..."

"It seems to be in a deep sleep again. I don't know what the situation is. I guess it may be related to mental strength."

If you are happy, let Xu Xin raise the fuzzy tears.

Xu Yao blinked his eyes and hesitated to ask:

"Strong strength?"

"Well, I guess, the only thing that can explain this is this..." The happy tone repeated the words that Chen Kaixin said at the beginning: "When crossing, Chen Kaixin’s spirit was weak, and my revenge thoughts were very strong. He has been in a state of being suppressed, so I have been in control of my current body for more than a year."

"But, you are not saying that after you have revenge, you can't suppress him. Is he already leading the present body?"

Xu Xin wiped her tears and asked.

Happy smiles, and Xu Xin really should have listened to all the conversation that night. It should be that Xu Yao was shocked when he was stunned.

But this is also good.

I have never known how to face her before. Now that I know it, I simply say everything, otherwise I will think of it every time, and my heart has a feeling of heavy uncomfortable feeling.

"I saw in the game that his progress in the gang's prison is terrible, just like the novice rookie. No, it may be slightly worse than the rookie... It should be that without going through simple cultivation, it can directly enter the solution. Adapted; and in reality, he does not dare to talk to you, leading to a mental decline..."

When I was happy to talk about it, Xu Yao seemed to think of something, and the eyes were bright:

"The strength of the spirit will make him have problems... Then, is it possible that your mentality has become stronger?"


Have a good time.

Xu Yao quickly explained: "I mean, will it be because of your disappointment with Xiner, so that you are more concerned about everything here, and inadvertently become a similar obsession with revenge? Then, His weakness, your strength... The only thing I can't understand is why you can wear it and wear it, he can't..." Xu Yao's inference made Xu Xin stop sobbing, and there was a look in her eyes. .

Happy is also a slight heart.

Xu Yao’s inference does have some truth.


Can wear and wear, in fact, is not the control of Chen Kaixin here, perhaps because only he has been in two bodies at the same time, something similar to magnetic.

"and many more."

Xu Yao once again said: "Chen Kaixin, I said that, after saying that you have completed revenge, the mental strength is weakened. I guess, it is impossible for you to wake up again when Chen Kaixin is not so concerned about Xiner?"


Happy to take a breath.

Xu Yao said that it is not unreasonable! But... don’t you care too much about Xu Xin? It seems very difficult...

For a long time in this year, Xu Xin has become the softness that can't be hurt in his heart. It is also the complex that he has been distressed and unable to face during this time.


Xu Xin wiped her tears and sat back to her position.

Xu Yao, happy is also slowly spent in silence...

Happy body on the other side is still in the washroom, naturally can not stay here for too long time, see Xu Xin, Xu Yao transferred to the kitchen, sighed, back to the bedroom, enter the game, continue to hang up!

Nowadays in the world here, happy and free, one hundred million people above, "invincible body", "Yi Jin Jing" steadily rose, the internal strength soared, the innate attributes soared, do not have to worry about being overtaken;

In addition, the world on the other side is also the "Yi Jin Jing" and "Invincible Body" practiced. The practical skills are in the mind, and the use of one heart and two is very amazing.


"How is it so long?"

When I was out of the washroom, I met Xu Yao with a suspicious and anxious look.

Happy and cheeky, indicating that his stomach is not comfortable, this is back to the hospital bed...


"Is it all coming up?"

Back in the game, just the entire hunter family arrived.

"Tear heartbreaking needle still?" Yu Longyi came up, first stared at the happy chest, saw that a group of wet red, can not help but frown.

Others are also showing the color of worry.

Only happy and relieved:

"Yi Jin Jing" started to run automatically after the line was on. It is obvious that the effect of the heart-breaking needle is still there. That is to say, if this thing is not taken down for one day, the speed of "Yi Jin Jing" will continue, although it will Because the realm and level of improvement are getting slower and slower, but it is actually a baby who is constantly stimulating the accelerated promotion of Yi Jin Jing.

This situation is in response to the sentence, pain, and happiness!


When he was happy to enter the game, he didn't know that someone looked through the small window of the ward and showed a complicated look. He turned and left.

The hospital was full of mouths, and two temperamental men frowned, and the eyebrows were like the burning cigarettes in their hands...

"how about it?"

Seeing the black man came out, the two men stared at the little nurse who was not afraid of the vigilant color, and greeted him before asking: "What is his current situation?"

If you are happy here, you will be stunned.

The three lonely wolves in the dormitory, Bai Lang, Qi Ci, Chen Fan, actually appeared outside the hospital where he was recuperating. The only difference is that the temperament of the three is different from that of the other student era.

The lonely three wolves over there, although high in weight, have already had a lot of net worth, but after all, they are students, and the water chestnut has not been completely smoothed;

The three people in front of you are familiar with the outline, but each person's face is filled with calm vicissitudes, and the tone of the speech is very different.

The person who came out of the hospital was Chen Fan. He glanced at the little nurse who was wary of not allowing him to smoke. He smiled and came to the two brothers:

"I just talked to his attending doctor just now. I am happy that my current mental condition is good and my progress is very good. It is estimated that I can walk freely within two months."

"I can rest assured that."

Bai Lang is relieved;

Qi Ci is a long spit, and the eyebrows are separated:

"One and a half years, I didn't expect this kid to wake up on his own, not easy... that woman is not easy."

Hearing Xu Yao, Chen Fan and Bai Lang both silently nodded.

Although they have not found happiness in the past year or so, they have always paid attention to Xu Yao’s information and happy situation.

It is natural to know the decisions and contributions made by Xu Yao in the past.

Therefore, I chose to contact a lot of students who had a good relationship at that time. They stayed up all night and spent a few months of indiscriminate bombing on Yipintang.

At that time, many students at Nanhua University, although not very good at repairing, were not as high-end players, but young people were not too wild;

Regardless of the same class of students or students at school, it is very clear that Nanhua has a super cultivator, a mad monk, a challenger, if the ancient swordsman.

Although there is not much interaction, many people are proud and proud of their happy achievements...

After all, happy is going out from Nanhua!


The ruined color-clothing door, although it has been disbanded, has gathered thousands of people, and under the indignation of indignation, this organization has no destruction and destruction tasks of organization and plan, which has caused immeasurable losses to Yipintang.

Especially with some people who have long been unable to get used to Yipintang...

The five poisonous doors at that time were almost broken!

In a few months, Yipintang, regardless of the elite or ordinary disciples, accumulated tens of thousands of horses. In the past, Jianghu’s famous first-class gangs were forced to survive for several months and even forced to give up. The altar of more than a dozen cities led to the pilgrimage of the pilgrimage to seize the opportunity to catch up with Yipintang and become the largest gang in the Central Plains.

Although Meng Yun is angry, but under the counterattacks of some columns, the players from various sects and gangs are very messy...

Really fake and false enemies, let Yipintang completely grasp the main line!

Finally, because of the pressure of reality and the pressure of the rivers and lakes, I had to admit my life to expel the blood of the deputy churchlor to end this painful war.

And it’s all about...

It is the lonely three wolves.

Three ordinary players who are not considered top players in the game.

On the other side of the world, the three have become executive directors of the "Nanhua Rivers and Lakes List" and the middle-level person in charge of "Jianghu".

These days……

Let all the happy posts get hot quickly and have their credit.

Because now Nanhua University and the brothers who once painted the door have almost known the news, otherwise, it will not become the most eye-catching focus so soon.

"I thought this was the end of the matter, but now it seems that I am happy when this kid wakes up..."

"Well, this happy and continuous elimination of the prestige of the blood alliance and Yipintang, blood and Mengyun will certainly not stand by and let the happy growth to the extent that threatens them, will definitely be shot in recent days."

The analysis of Bai Lang and Chen Fan made Qi Ci could not help but lick the dry lips, and the eyes of the monks and ambitions were shot:

"It seems that you have plans, speak up and listen?"

"With the **** alliance, Yipintang, such a huge thing, the power is weak, absolutely not ... ... Also, Mingli is not worthwhile, if you form a gang, you will be destroyed at any time, and secretly reinstate it."

"Xiaobai is right. Building gangs requires prestige and strength. It also needs enough connections and financial resources... Prestige and strength. I have fun, as long as we maintain it! We also have connections. The brothers of the color door are now stupid. It can be called up at any time... The problem is that once you have formed a gang, you will definitely face the pressure of two top gangs. If you don’t have any knowledge, you will get rid of it directly!"

"It's better to start to draw people and prepare."

"Prepare a ball, go, talk while walking, the little nurse is estimated to look at us three... handsome is trouble, walk."

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